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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Sokolova O.Y., Naumenko О.А., Bibarceva Е.V., Еvstifeeva T.A. THE TOTAL CONTENT OF LEAD AND ITS MOBILE FORMS IN GROUND REGIONS ORENBURG REGIONOne of the important problems of modern ecology is the accumulation of heavy metals (HM) in ground in the plant communities of which is reflected in all components of the biosphere. Analyzed the accumulation of heavy metals — lead in different plant ground steppe zone Orenburg region. Soil science has significant dates about the patterns of behavior of trance elements in soils. The content and distribution of trace elements depends on many chemical, physical and physical-chemical properties of the soil, the main of whish are state grain size, content and quality of humus, the reaction medium. However to find quantitative relationships between different indicators of soil properties, and the content of trace elements is very difficult, because the soil is a complex heterogeneous system. Studying the influence of the properties of soils and rocks on the content of trace elements in the topsoil have been devoted to domestic and foreign scientists. Many studies have shown that the accumulation of trace elements in soils primary rove belongs to the soil-forming rocks. The material resulting from the destruction and weathering of parent rock, naturally reflect their composition in relation of micronutrients. Soil, geochemical usually, inherit the trains of their parent rocks, but on the content and distribution of trace elements in the soil-forming process is applied influence. Content as a gross and moving forms of trace elements in soils determined by their concentration in soil-forming rocks. Significant impact on the migration of trace elements in soil environment. Closely related relative activity of the cations and anions of a chemical reaction between the elements and thus the formation of there or other natural compounds characterized by different solubility and availability for plants. Heavy metals can accumulate in the lower soil horizons, regardless of their origin. The total content of mobile forms in less characteristics of sandy soils in much greater-for loamy. That is, there is a close relationship between the content of mobile forms of elements and the composition of soil texture.Key words: lead, heavy metals, ground, ecology, accumulation.


1. Zyrin, N. G. Sorption of lead and the state absorbed element in soils and soil components / N. G. Zyrin, T. A. Sokolova // Soil Science. — 1986 –Vol. 4. — P. 39 — 46.

2. Lozanovskii I. N. Ecology and protection of the biosphere by chemical pollution / I. N. Lozanovskii, D. S. Orlov. — M.: High School, 1998. — 240 p.

About this article

Authors: Bibartseva E.V., Evstifeeva T.A., Naumenko O.A., Sokolova O.Ya.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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