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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Kulizhskiy C.P., Rodikova A.V. THE SOILS OF SUBORDINATE POSITIONS OF ZAURALYE STEPPE ISOLATES (FOR EXAMPLE SHIRA STEPPE)Isolated steppes of Central Siberia is a very specific ecosystems. Territorially they are located in the nuclei of the intermountain basins. In this connection, the soils formed under the additional receipts of substances from the slopes of the mountains surrounding them, may differ in their basic properties from the analogous models of soils of European Russia. The objects of study in this paper served as a soil heteronomous positions, developed in conjunction with zonal automorphic. The composition of the soil of the study area is very diverse. Heterogeneity of components and their genesis ensures the availability of most difficult of the elements release mechanisms by weathering of rocks, as well as moving as a result of migration processes, accompanied by subsequent transformation and (or) their accumulation in the soil profile. The article briefly reviewed the conditions of soil formation Shira Steppe. The semiquantitative emission spectral analysis fulfiled by an accredited laboratory Geoecocentre State Geological Enterprise "Berezovgeologiya" (Novosibirsk) and part of the gross elemental composition of soils was determined on this basis. Geochemical conjugation heteronomous and autonomous soils with using the ratio of the same name is evaluated. The data statistical processing of medium and modal content of trace elements in soils various types of landscapes are submitted. Possible options for lateral migration of elements with Kr>1 and peculiarities their behavior in the studied objects, operating in arid conditions are viewed.Key words: steppe soils, soils of subordinate positions, Khakasia, Shira Steppe.


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About this article

Authors: Kulizhskiy S.P., Rodikova A.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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