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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Petrova M.V., Yamalov S.M. SYNTAXONOMIC ANALYSIS OF STEPPE COMMUNITIES OF THE SOUTH OF THE BASHKIR CIS-URALSSteppes in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan Cis-Urals are fragmented and are mostly located on the south slopes in steppe and forest-steppe zones. At the present time these communities are insufficiently studied in the region. The aim of article is to reveal the diversity of the floristic composition of the RB Cis-Urals south part steppes and represent it in Braun-Blanquet system units. The analysis was conducted with using the computer software: Turboveg, Twinspan, Juice. 19 geobotanical releves of plant communities made during the field season of 2013 by authors are the basis of analysis. According to results of syntaxonomic analysis three associations and two community without rank were allocated. They belongs to the meadow steppes order Festucetalia valesiacae and true steppes order Helictotricho-Stipetalia (class Festuco-Brometea). Bunch grasses dry steppes are presented by association Artemisio austriacae — Stipetum lessingianae. petrophytic communities on the limestones are combined in association Salvio nutantis — Stipetum korshinskyi и community Artemisia lerchiana-Krascheninnikovia ceratoides. most mesophytic meadow steppes is classified in association Poo angustifoliae — Stipetum pennatae. Low species richness pastures combined in basal communities Festuca pseudovina [Festucetalia valesiacae] и Stipa capillata [Festucetalia valesiacae].Key words: floristic composition, steppe communities, the Cis-Urals, the Republic of Bashkortostan.


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About this article

Authors: Petrova M.V., Yamalov S.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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