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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Dubrovina O.A., Zaitsev G.A. THE CHARACTERISTIC OF THE SCOTS SPINE STANDS, GROWING IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE LIPETSK INDUSTRIAL CENTRE The characteristic of a Scots pine stands (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in the conditions of the Lipetsk industrial center. The assessment of a relative vital condition (RVC) of stands showed that in pollution conditions the RVC of pine stands is estimated as "weakened" (Lv = 70 %), in the control conditions as "healthy" (Lv = 85 %), one of the main signs reducing RVC acts a weak self-pruning of trunks from dead boughs (15–45 %). The analysis of a radial growth of stem wood showed that the growth in the pollution conditions fluctuates ranging from 0,96 to 1,73 mm a year, in the control conditions from 1,19 to 5,46 mm. Two periods of growth of stem wood of a pine are allocated: 1951–1996 when the radial growth in the pollution conditions is lower than control values and 1996–2013 when the radial growth in the pollution conditions is approximately equal or less control values are insignificant. Positive correlation of a radial growth values of a pine and rainfall in July (P = 0,310 4) is noted, in the control conditions positive correlation with a temperature in May (P = 0,307 3) and November (P = 0,321 5) is noted. The radial growth of skeletal wood of a pine in the conditions of the Lipetsk industrial center (1,27–2,14 mm a year) in general is lower in comparison with control (1,56–2,56 mm). It is established that in the pollution conditions of the Lipetsk industrial center length and mass of needles of all age (1, 2 and 3 years) is less in comparison with control. Thus pollution conditions the needles of a pine of the first year practically don't lag behind in growth (on length and on weight) the needles which is formed in the control conditions. But, from second year lag in growth of needles in the pollution conditions (length and mass of needles decreases), which accrues by third year is noted. That can testify that the young (one-year) needles adapt for industrial pollution and doesn't reduce growth rate, but, in process of accumulation of pollution (by second and third year) needles growth rate considerably decreases.Key words: The Scots pine, relative vital state, radial growth, assimilate apparatus, Yelets industrial center.


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About this article

Authors: Zaytsev G.A., Dubrovina O.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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