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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Baranov A.P., Buligenova D.A. FEDERAL POLITICS IN MODERN RUSSIACurrently, federal relations in Russia are transformed, the development of a federal state is not finished yet. In this way, the government is faced with many challenges. In particular, the search for ways to decentralize authority, the choice of direction changes in the degree of participation of the Federation in the implementation of regional policy. The problem of decentralization of powers associated with the expansion of the responsibility of the authorities of the federal subjects in solving social and economic issues. Set the ratio of centralization and decentralization of economic, social and political life, to create a common economic, social and political space through the delineation of powers allows federalism as a form of organization of the state. For the theoretical development of the problem of reforming of federal relations and the development of the mechanism of interaction of bodies of the government of the federation and its subjects, allowing allow contradictions of powers, the theoretical aspects of federal policy in the Russian Federation, the nature of federal relations, revealed the concept of economic federalism, mechanisms of federative relations, studied the process of transformation, how to improve it. To improve federal relations it is needed to create a system of relationships and the division of powers, making it possible to develop independently of each region; to improve the mechanism for the implementation of the constitutional measures; to create a system of state power on the basis of the constitutional model of the federal structure; to create such an economic mechanism of federative relations, which will encourage the subjects of the federation to achieve economic self-sufficiency, self-development and self-sufficiency, build productive capacities, attracting investment, the introduction of advanced technologies, strengthen economic relations in general, federal type.Key words: federalism, separation of powers, federalization, federal relations, authority, economic mechanism of federal relations.


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About this article

Authors: Baranov A.P., Buligenova D.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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