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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Naumova T.V. YA.A. MILNERA-IRININ'S VIEWS IN DOMESTIC ETHICS OF THE MIDDLE OF THE XX CENTURYIt is important to address problems which were discussed in the domestic philosophy in the soviet period of XX century to restore the history of Russian philosophy. Marxism-Leninism was the official doctrine in the USSR during 70 years. No theory in any area of science especially in philosophy could be made public without referring to Marxism-Leninism. However deep critical studies in areas of ontology, gnoseology, aesthetics and ethics originated in Soviet philosophy. Including unorthodox conceptions of morality which appeared in The Soviet Union in spite of Marxist-Leninist ethics predominance. The theory of J.A. Milner-Irinin which he was working on during his whole life is examined in this article. The book "Ethics, or the Principles of True Humanness" is the result of his work. This book wasn't available for readers' eyes for several decades. Ideas expressed by the scientist on the subject, problems and categories of the ethics, on moral substance of the human being didn't fit in limits of the official Marxist-Leninist ethics. In the atmosphere of the fight with cosmopolitanism J.A. Milner-Irinin's work was subjected to severe and unfounded criticism in the forms of revelatory publications in newspapers and magazines, philosophical discussions and party meetings. These facts are confirmed by archival materials used in this article. Statements on moral principles phrased by J.A. Milner-Irinin in the middle of the last century can become an appeal to the broad modern audience which is getting introduced to the moral-philosophical reflections, to the audience aspiring to the higher level of the philosophical and human culture.Key words: Jakov Abramovich Milner-Irinin (1911—1989) — philosopher, Soviet philosophy, Marxism, dialectics, ethics, duty, moral ideal, conscience, good, evil, human being, humanism.


1. Milner-Irinin J. A. Benedict Spinoza. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe sotsialno-ekonomicheskoe izdatelstvo. 1940. p. 243.

2. Milner-Irinin J. A. Ethics, or the Principles of True Humanness. Moscow, Nauka. 1999. p. 520.

3. Milner-Irinin J. A. Pushkin and eternity. Moscow, Flinta: Nauka, 2004. p. 520.

4. Milner-Irinin J. A. Feminity. About a feminine role in moral life of mankind. St.Peterburg, Aleteja. 2010. p.320.

5. Milner J. A. The Text of the Speech // Voprosy filosofii. 1947, no 1, pp. 401-406.

6. State Archive of the Sverdlovsk Region (SASR), fond 2110-р. list 5. file 147, paper 2,3,7.

7. Golenev S., Silkin S., Fiercly Reveal Cosmopolitanism in Philosophy // Uralskii Rabochii.

1949, april 5.

8. Documentation Center of Public Organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region (CDOOSO): fond 285, list 3. file 107, paper 120.

9. Documentation Center of Public Organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region (CDOOSO): fond 4, list 6. file 87, paper 34, 36.

10. Current Problems in Marxist Ethics. Collected articles / Introductory article and general editing professor D. Bandzeladze. Tbilisi, Izdatelstvo Tbilisskogo universiteta. 1967. p. 496.

11. Kolbanovskii V., Efimov V. Confusion in the Guise of Theory Development // Communist. 1968, no 14, p. 119-126.

12. Milner-Irinin J. A. The Notion of The Nature of Man and Its Place in an Ethical System // Voprosy filosofii. 1987, no 5, p. 71-82.

13. Nazarov V. N. On Chronology of Russian Ethics in the 20th century: the Third Period (1960-1990) // Eticheskaya mysl. 2003, no 4, pp. 179-197.

14. Konovalova L. V. Duty — the Main Category of the Marxist-Leninist Ethics. Moscow. Vysshaya shkola, 1965. p. 108.

15. Bljumkin V. A. Categories of Dignity and Honor in the Marxist Ethics. Ph.D. in Philosophy. Moscow, 1964. p. 160.

16. Titarenko A. I. The Structures of Moral Consciousness, An Essay in Ethico-Philosophical Investigation. Moscow. Mysl, 1974. p. 278.

About this article

Author: Naumova T.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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