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August 2015, № 8 (183)

Syvrachev A.S. FEATURES OF BANKING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AT THE REGIONAL LEVELThe banking system is a basic element of the real sector of the Russian economy and its regions. The current policy being implemented in the Russian Federation, aimed at modernizing production structures and improving the sustainability of economic entities on the basis of active innovation, investment in the sphere of material production puts the banking system in the region and the country's challenges related to the availability of financial resources, the preservation of assets of enterprises and individuals, introduction of new technologies of the bank and interbank transactions, etc. New realities determine the more active involvement of the banking system in regional economic processes that determined the relevance of the research. The ongoing changes in the economy predetermined the use in our study of the provisions which are formulated in the framework of the theory of stagnation. Scientists, developers have identified the need to eliminate the contradictions between the desire of owners to get maximum income from the use of capital and reduces the possibility of this process. To solve this contradiction is possible through a broad activation of innovative processes and purchasing power in the economy. In this situation significantly increases the role of the organizations of the banking system as a catalyst for innovation processes. The banks may, within its own activities both promote and "slow down" the scientific and technological development of the economy, either through expansion or narrowing of the possibilities of using debt capital. The research revealed features of the development of the banking system at the regional level: a significant reduction in the number of credit institutions in the Russian economy and the Orenburg region, increasing the role and position of the banking system in regulating the movement of money in the Russian regions, a significant part of the banking system in the revitalization of consumer demand in the economy of Orenburg region, the lack of participation of the banking system in the investment processes in the region and others. These features have predetermined the possibility of making some of the manifestations of the banking system at the regional level: reducing institutional representation in the banking market; krupnenie credit institutions in the regions of the Russian Federation through the rationalization of the internal structure and the aggregate supply of banking products; increasing the responsibility of the banks operating in the Russian Federation in the implementation of targeted activities for the development of the regional economy, and others.Key words: banking system, the region, features, the trend, the structure, the credit organization, development.


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About this article

Author: Syvrachev A.S.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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