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June 2015, № 6 (181)

Myazina N.G. TO THE QUESTION OF FORMATION AND ORIGIN OF BRINES CHLORELLACEAE TYPE CASPIAN MEGABASINWith the development and production of hydrocarbons at oil and gas fields is extracted chloride brines, which are disposed of by pumping them into the underground reservoir to maintain reservoir pressure. Brines are the source of balneology and integrated hydromineral raw materials used in the economy for recovery of valuable micro-components, such as iodine, bromine, boron, potassium, magnesium, rubidium, cesium, strontium, Germany, lithium, sodium technical salt. In areas with salt-dome tectonics Cl-Ca-brines are found in post-salt and pre-salt thicker sedimentary cover. Identified Cl-Ca brines in aquifer complexes post-salt strata. Mesozoic (Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic and upper Permian sediments have the capacity to 6—7 km, and the power of the pre-salt deposits of the Paleozoic (lower Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian deposits) reaches 13—15 km Brines have a salinity of up to 310 g/dm3 or more. The Br content varies from 46 to 1 039 mg/l Concentration I reached 80, Sr — 1 200, Li — 35, Rb — 20, Cs — 1 mg/l. Gas composition — N2-CH4. Brines of a pronounced type (IIIB by E.V. Posokhov), occupy the deepest part of the sedimentary cover of the Caspian megabasin. In post-salt thicker in the deeper parts of marcopoli depressions at depths from 2 119 to 4 400 and possibly deeper on Abramowski and Prominently the areas are sodium carbonate and calcium chloride (sodium-calcium) strong brines of a pronounced type (IIIB by E.V. Posokhov) with the content Br 410—1 038,9 mg/dm3. At depths from 590—3 050 m removed and installed sodium chloride brines (from weak to strong) weak chlorellaceae type with mineralization 101—262 g/dm3 and more metamorphosed (rNa/rCl =0,80÷0,89, CaCl2 up to 7÷11 % equiv). The Br content varies from 46 to 201 mg/L. Concentration I reaches 1.0—16 mg/dm3. In subsalt sediments from Artinskian on Devonian met sodium chloride brines (from weak to strong) weak chlorellaceae type with mineralization 105—310 g/dm3. The content of Br varies from 133 to 719 mg/l or more. The concentration of I is 80 mg/dm3. Key words: Caspian megabasin, chemical composition, salinity, chloride brines, Genesis, metamorphisize, iodine, bromine.


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About this article

Author: Myazina N.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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