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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Chepurova O.B. "WOODEN" MODERNIST STYLE OF THE PROVINCE AS PHENOMENONIN DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE TURN OF CENTURIESThe result of researches of the architectural structures executed in style of a "wooden" modernist style widespread in country towns of our country is presented in article. Relevance of this research is that still there are many questions in the field of formation in domestic architecture of the certain direction in modernist style — a "wooden" modernist style. Distinctive features of composite decisions in decorative finishing of the structures which are in various regions including, in Orenburgskoi areas aren't revealed. There is a lot of a scientific and publicistic literature acquainting us with features of a foreign and domestic modernist style, however, the researches systematizing all information on a provincial modernist style and in detail the architectural works considering layer, receptions of a wooden pro-saw carving, representing connection traditional for Russia, and the principles of a shaping, nonconventional for wooden housing construction, in modernist style, still wasn't carried out. The result of an organized series of expeditions for search and research of architectural monuments of a wooden modernist style in suburbs of Moscow and St. Petersburg and in the cities of Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Samara, Orenburg, Buzuluk, Bugruslan, Kuvandyk, Orsk and so forth is presented. The disappearing "wooden" modernist style of suburbs of Moscow and St. Petersburg, how many feature of the remained numerous wooden architectural constructions in the cities of Russia and, in particular, in the city of Buzuluk of the Orenburg region became the key moment in an object of research not so much. The attention on architectural heritage of the city of Buzuluk which striking trait is rare (it is possible to declare safely — unique) the phenomenon of mass ordinary building is focused by the wooden structures (more than 80) representing a peculiar interpretation of modernist style. In article the method of virtual reconstruction at this stage allowing to create the electronic version valuable from the historical and art criticism points of view, a complex of architectural objects is described. Key words: modernist style, architectural heritage, wooden modernist style, provincial architecture, wooden pro-saw carving, virtual reconstruction.


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About this article

Author: Chepurova O.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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