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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Chepurov I.V. REFLECTION OF MENTALITY OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE IN GRAPHIC FORMS OF EXPRESSION COMIC IN THE PERIOD OF XVII — THE BEGINNINGS OF THE XX CENTURYIn article process formation of the Russian mentality and reflection of its specifics in graphic forms of expression comic is considered. The author carries out the analysis of graphic forms of expression of individual and public reactions to internal external changes — crises in policy and economy, church reforms, wars, etc., detection of the features of the Russian mentality reflected in national and professional creativity: caricatures, book and journal illustrations, social advertizing. First of all, in article models of national creativity as one of the first, most striking examples of visualization by the Russian person of the reactions to social and economic factors are considered. In a certain degree comically they represented rituals of a family cycle, scenarios of festivities, elements of life and an occupation of peasants and handicraftsmen. Also, also the policy of the Russian state didn't remain unaddressed. The basten pictures which were actively printed by the Russian masters in the XVII-XIX centuries were the main form of a graphic representation of "sore subjects". At the beginning of the XX century household plots found a wide circulation in works of Bilibin, Benois, Dobuzhensky, Bakst and other famous artists of the Russian modernist style. They also skillfully continued in the comical narration form of life of the Russian people in the works. At the same time, in connection with forcing of national disorders, appeared more and more illustrations of the satirical contents in which rebelliousness of the oppressed Russian peasantry is shown. Since the beginning of the XX century of a form comic gradually gain accusatory character. Having in many respects adopted stylistics of the basten picture "new national handymen" visualize actual social problems of that time. Thus, visualization of characteristic features of the Russian mentality, the image by artists of internal processes, both personal, and public character, it was very often shown through forms of the comic.Key words: mentality, comic, self-irony, humor, satire.


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About this article

Author: Chepurov I.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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