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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Semikolenov A.V. FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS IN ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY The article discusses approaches to institutional change in the electricity industry from the perspective of international experience. The characteristic of institutional changes in several European countries and the United States is given. Considering the experience of institutional reforms in the power sector noted that the current period is appropriate to the active application of experience and development trends of energy regulators in other countries. The article says that the state, which first sent its development on the path of liberalization of the electricity was Great Britain, which has the consequences of institutional transformation industry can be described as positive. However, along with the positive experience of the effective liberalization of electric power industry in the UK, the author presents examples of negative experiences in other developed countries. In this aspect, a shining example of inefficient reforms in the power sector in the United States are, as a result of transformations in the industry in California were marked facts blackout followed by a violation of a state of life. This was to some extent an instructive lesson for Europe, which also sought in its policy of an open and competitive electricity market. Also described in the cause-and-effect relationships presented transformations and noted their influence not only in the electricity market, but also on the other side of the socio-economic development of nations. Despite the presence of positive and negative trends of institutional reforms in the power industry in the world is not a single universal approach to the management of the industry, and there are several models of regulation which are systematized and presented in the article. At the end of formulated conclusion on the need to consider approaches analyzed in the Russian practice of regulation of the electricity market.Key words: energy market, power system, electric power industry, institutional transformation.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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