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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Myazina N.G. ABNORMALLY HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF IODINE IN THE BRINE AS CRITERIA OF PETROLEUM POTENTIALIodine — biology friendly, a typical element of the scattering. The concentration of iodine (J) in groundwater is in the range from fractions of units, 1 to 20 mg/l and less 35–70 mg/dm3, and more. Iodine is found in all animal organisms. S Zagorodnaya in the pool and at depths where temperatures exceed 150-200 °С. released as a result of thermolysis DITCH, iodine together with hydrocarbons enters the pore space of rocks, enriching the pore solution gets into the aquifers. In the pre-Caspian basin in Western and southern side of the area revealed two regions with high and abnormally high concentrations of iodine 1) East Ulatowski, Petrivalsky out side zone of the Caspian basin on the Volga monocline, and 2) Karpinsk-Karasulski in the inner side area of the Caspian depression. On the East Ulatowski testing gave a high flow rate of 500 m3/day in the borehole 2-WU on the East Ulatowski square. When drilling for oil and gas from a depth 4624-m from Stary Oskol Devonian terrigenous deposits (D2st) were withdrawn and tested groundwater. They on the chemical composition of sodium chloride desalinated (condensation) brine with a salinity of 80–105 g/dm3 concentration J 145–193 mg/dm3. On Karasalskaya areas in the North of Kalmykia wells No. 5, 6 are derived sodium chloride-calcium brines (type IIIB by E. C. Posokhova, A. Sulina) with mineralization 306–310 g/dm3, the iodine content of 50–80 mg/dm3. Identified distribution of groundwater with high and abnormal concentrations of iodine to the gas and oil fields that indicate a genetic link between iodine water with organic hydrocarbon accumulations (ROS). High and abnormally high concentrations of iodine indicator of the basin. Water-soluble iodine can be used as petroleum criteria for post-salt and pre-salt complexes sediments.Key words: Caspian basin, chemical composition and salinity, chloride brines, the main geochemical and genetic types: oversalt infiltrogennye sedimentogene and brines.


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About this article

Author: Myazina N.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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