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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Yusupova O.V., Bulatov S.V. DETERMINATION OF COSTS DEPENDENCE OF SPARE PARTS OF VAZ CARS ON OPERATION TERMSIn article the most characteristic are considered for cars VAZ failures of mechanisms and knots depending on run, and also conditions, terms and intensity of operation. By results of researches of service conditions of cars VAZ and in the analysis of causes of failures of details and knots it is revealed that one of the indicators characterizing intensity of operation of cars of individual use is average annual run which for cars VAZ depending on model fluctuates within 13,5–16,5 thousand km. The distribution of refusals established as a result of supervision over cars VAZ on units and systems shows that on run of 50 thousand km over 90 % of all refusals are the share of the engine, forward and back suspension brackets, brake system, electric equipment and a body. The expenses connected with elimination of these refusals make about 80 % of the general expenses on the car. On the obtained experimental data distribution of refusals on units and systems on the example of the car VAZ-2112 is given. For identification of influence of age of the vehicle on repair the analysis of the actual costs of spare parts for repair of 25 cars VAZ put into operation in 2007–2014 which allowed to calculate dependence of costs of spare parts on operation terms was carried out. It is established that the expenses connected with repair for cars VAZ on average in a year increase by 13,4 kopeks on run kilometer. The received results allow to make more reasonable administrative decisions concerning operation of these vehicles.Key words: car, operation, expenses, spare parts.


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About this article

Author: Yusupova O.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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