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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Poslavsky A.P. METHOD OF DETERMINATION OF THERMAL RESISTANCE OF ELEMENTS OF POWER UNITS WITH HEAT EXCHANGE SURFACESThere is a class of the working surfaces which aren't connected with perception of mechanical loadings, but changing the state from initial to a state when parameters of thermal process, for example the internal combustion engine (ICE), go beyond, admissible the specifications and technical documentation. Internal and external surfaces of the sleeves of cylinders (SC), a cooling radiator, etc. belong to such surfaces. At high intensity of allocation of warmth in a running cycle of DVS without adequate intensification of the heat sink, the main heat-stressed details won't be able to ensure reliable functioning because of an overheat. Violation of operability of heat-transmitting surfaces in an operational cycle belongs to the class of gradual refusals which boundary conditions it is difficult to establish, owing to complexity of determination of regularity of growth of the thermal resistance created by various deposits. The experimental method of determination of the general thermal resistance of elements of heat-transmitting system in any state throughout an operational cycle is offered. The offered method is realized at the stand which allows to model thermal load of a surface according to parameters of working process real (in most cases). Definition of the thermal stream passing through a heat-transmitting surface under the quoted experimental conditions is carried out in the stationary mode of a heat transfer. Use of electric heating when modeling allows to register with high precision change of thermal loading depending on the size of thermal resistance on the studied heat-transmitting surface in initial and current state. The size of the additional thermal resistance created by various pollution can serve as reliable criterion of degree of impurity of surfaces. Use of the offered method allows to estimate objectively a condition of surfaces, to determine consistent patterns of change and to predict terms of carrying out service. It will promote decrease in non-productive costs of resources when performing preventive actions for cleaning of heat-transmitting surfaces.Key words: thermal resistance, thermal balance, cylinder sleeve, heat exchange.


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About this article

Author: Poslavskiy A.P.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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