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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Arkhireysky A.A. TECHNIQUE OF THE CHOICE OF THE SERVICES PERFORMER ON THE MOTOR TRANSPORT Enterprises and organizations in need of goods and passengers carriage in the market conditions have to make a choice — to fulfill their own transportation or have its counterpart — the company or a private person who has in his possession rolling stock and transports on a contractual basis. Under current conditions, companies and organizations increasingly resort to outsourcing, which refers to the involvement of outside organizations to perform one or more functions or operations. The main criterion for selection is the safety of carriers of passengers of the service, so only use cost methods unacceptable. When using multi-criteria methods are worked through the issues of determining the relative importance of criteria and the choice of measurement scales. Thus, the task of choosing a common carrier and the development of approaches to problem solving it remains relevant. As the main criterion for choosing a carrier of passengers is recommended to use the safety performance of the service. On the basis of the requirements of normative-technical documentation allocated particular criteria to select the carrier of passengers by orders. In order to determine the specific criteria of the carrier is proposed to use a truncated scale of school grades. Thus, each carrier is characterized by a vector of eight private assessment criteria. Vector estimates for carrier selection is useful when there is information about the relative importance of the criteria. The relative importance of the criteria defined by experts in the Saaty scale. In the course of the iterative procedure, the values of the vector group to assess the relative importance of criteria and the weight vector competence of experts. References of individual criteria by different methods showed that the ranks of private criteria match. This points to a strict linear ordering criteria. References of experts proposed an approach to the selection of the carrier of passengers on the basis of a Pareto optimal solution of multi-criteria problems.


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About this article

Author: Arhireyskiy A.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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