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2013, № 9 (158)

Zakirullin R.S. AN OPTICAL FILTER WITH ANGULAR SELECTIVITY OF LIGHT TRANSMISSIONAn optical filter consisting of glass substrate with thin-film grating layers on two surfaces is presented. Macroscopic gratings are formed by directionally transmissive strips alternating with absorptive strips. Their relative position on input and output surfaces provides angular selectivity of light transmission — part of the radiation that has passed through input gratings is blocked additionally by output gratings depending on incidence angle. A graphic-analytical calculation method determines the influence of optical and geometric parameters of alternating strips on angular characteristics of light transmission. Results of graphic-analytical calculations are confirmed experimentally. A method of calculation of the filter parameters to meet the predetermined angular selective regulation characteristics is developed. Architectural glazing to control the transmitted solar radiation without special redirecting devices is the most promising area of application.Key words: оptical filter, gratings with alternating strips, graphic-analytical calculation method, angular characteristics of light transmission, pre-adapted angular selective regulation.


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About this article

Author: Zakirullin R.S.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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