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2013, № 3 (152)

Borozdin M.S. THE NOTION "CORPORATE LABOUR MARK OF DISTINCTION" (SOCIAL LEGISLATION AND LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE REGIONS OF ORENBURG AND TULA )In presented article the notion "Corporate labour mark of distinction" is considered. The author compares social legislation and law enforcement of Orenburg and Tula regions on affairs about decoration assignment "Labour veteran". The author suggests implementing considered concept in the federal legislation.Key words: corporation, labour mark of distinction, consumer's co-operation, labour veteran, Orenburg region, Tula region.


1 Federal law from 12.01.1995 №5-FZ "About veterans"// Newspaper "Rossyiskaya". №261. 21.11.2011.

2 Federal law from 06.10.1999 №184-FZ "About the general principles of the organization legislative (representative) and executive powers of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation" // Collection of the RF laws. 05.03.2012. №10. P. 1158.

3 Budgetary code of the Russian Federation from 31.07.1998 №145-FZ // Collection of the RF laws. 30.07.2012. №31. P. 4317.

4 Governmental order of the Orenburg region from 10.07.2006 №239-p "About the position statement about an order and conditions of assignment mark of distinction "Labour veteran" // Orenburzhye. №181. 30.11.2010.

5 Law of the Tula region from 28.02.2007 №797-ZTO "About conditions and an order of mark of distinction assignment "Labour veteran" // Tulskiye izvestiya. №110. 29.07.2010.

6 Decree of the President of the Udmurt Republic from 27.01.2006 №8 "About an order and conditions of mark of distinction assignment "Labour veteran " in the Udmurt Republic" // News of the Udmurt Republic. №2. 12.01.2012.

7 Law of the Russian Federation from 19.06.1992 №3085-1 "About consumers' co-operative society (consumer societies, their unions) in the Russian Federation" // Parlamentskaya gazeta. №16. 27.04 — 11.05.2012.

8 Decision of the Central district court of Orenburg on a civil case №2-1427/2012 from 29.03.2012.

9 Civil procedural code of the Russian Federation from 14.11.2002 №138-FZ // Newspaper "Rossyiskaya". №272. 02.12.2011.

10 Decision of the Central district court of Orenburg from 09.08.2012 on civil case under Z. to the Ministry of social development of the Orenburg region.

11 Appeal decision of the Orenburg regional court from 25.10.2012 on civil case under Z. to the Ministry of social development of the Orenburg region

12 Decision of the Central district court of Tula from 29.12.2009 // The Official site of the Central district court of Tula [the Electronic resource]. An access mode: name=docum_sud&id=520 (date of application: 20.10.2012).

13 Federal law from 09.12.2010 №353-FZ "About modification of the Civil procedural code of the Russian Federation" // Collection of the RF laws. 13.12.2010. №50. P. 6611.

14 Cassation definition of the Tula regional court from 25.03.2010 on civil case // The Official site of the Tula regional court [the Electronic source]. An access mode: name=docum_sud&id=673 (date of application: 10.10.2012).

About this article

Author: Borozdin M.S.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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