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2012, № 3 (139)

Borozdin M.S. TO A QUESTION ON LEGAL BASES AND GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FEDERAL TARGET PROGRAM "THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE" FOR 2011–2015In presented article characteristics of the federal target program "The Russian language" for 2011–2015 in a context of realities and prospects of the legislation of the Russian Federation about languages are considered.Key words: state language, Russian, federal target program, languages legislation, the Russian Federation.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation is accepted by national voting of 12.12.1993 // Rossyiskaya gazeta, № 7, 21.01.2009.

2. Law of the RF from 25.10.1991 № 1807-1 (edition from 11.12.2002) "About languages of the nations of the RF" // Rossyiskaya gazeta, № 235, 14.12.2002.

3. Federal law of the RF from 24.05.1999 N 99-FZ (edition from 23.07.2010) "About a state policy of the Russian Federation concerning compatriots abroad" // Rossyiskaya gazeta, N 164, 27.07.2010.

4. Federal law of the RF from 01.06.2005 № 53-FZ "About a state language of the Russian Federation" // Collection of the RF laws, 06.06.2005, № 23, item 2199.

5. Decree of the President of the RF from 21.06.2007 N 796 (edition from 07.06.2011) "About fund creation "Russian world "" // Collection of the RF laws, 13.06.2011, № 24, item 3406.

6. Direction of the Government of the RF from 17.11.2008 N 1663-r (edition from 14.12.2009) "About the statement of the basic lines of activity of the Russian Government for the period till 2012 and the list of projects on their realization" // Collection of the RF laws, 21.12.2009, N 51, item 6350.

7. Direction of the Government of the RF from 07.02.2011 № 160-r "About the Concept of the federal target program "The Russian language" for 2011-2015" // Collection of the RF laws, 28.02.2011, № 9, item 1255.

8. Order of the Government of the RF from 20.06.2011 № 492 "About the Federal target program "The Russian language" for 2011-2015" // Collection of the RF laws, 27.06.2011, N 26, item 3815.

9. Bartsits I.N. Talk show "Cultural revolution". Russian — future language. Translation from 27.01.2011 [Electronic resource]. An access mode: (date of application: 20.08.2011).

10. Borozdin M.S. To some questions of perfection of the Russian legislation on languages // Modern jurisprudence and law application (IV Saratov legal readings): the collection of theses of reports (on materials of the International scientifically-practical conference, Saratov, 03-04.06.2011) / [Editors: O.S.Rostova and other]; Saratov State Academy of Law. Saratov: SGAP. — 2011. — S. 81.

11. Dorovskih E.M. Russian: perfection of legal regulation // Magazine of the Russian law. — 2007. — № 4. — S. 42.

12. Materials of parliamentary hearings in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from 01.07.2010 "About position and support of Russian-speaking mass-media in the states SNG and Baltic". М: the State Duma of the RF. — 2010. 117 pp.

13. Official web-site of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF [Electronic resource]. An access mode: (date of application: 20.08.2011).

14. Official web-site of Federal agency on affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the compatriots living abroad, and on the international humanitarian cooperation [Electronic resource]. An access mode: (date of application: 20.08.2011).

15. Official web-site of the All-Russia population census 2010 [Electronic resource]. An access mode: (date of application: 20.08.2011).

16. Official web-site of Federal target programs of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. An access mode: (date of application: 20.08.2011).

About this article

Author: Borozdin M.S.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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