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2009, № 11

Provatorova O.N. THE PROBLEM OF RUSSIAN NATURALISM IN MODERN STUDY OF LITERATUREIn this article different viewpoints of soviet and modern specialists in study of literature on the problem of Russian naturalism are presented on the base of which the Russian naturalism is determined as separate literary method which was originated at the end of XIX century and founded and realized itself in works of writes of the second and third line and in mass literature.Key words: naturalism, zolaism, the problem of Russian naturalism, artistic method, literary trend, writes of the second and third line, mass literature.


1. Michael B.V. Russian literature of XX century / B.V. Michael. - M., 1939.

2. Tager E.B. The problems of realism and naturalism / E.B. Tager // Russian Literature late XIX - early XX century. Nineties. - M., 1969.

3. Leanin A.M. On the history of the bourgeois style in Russian literature. Creativity P.D. Boborykin / A.M. Leanin // Izv. Rost.-on-Don - T.VI. - 1936. - S. 51-135.

4. Grossman L.P. Naturalism of Chekhov / L. Grossman // From Pushkin to Blok: Sketches and portraits. - M., 1926. - S.294.

5. History of Russian Literature: The 10 tons - Leningrad, 1954. - Vol.10.

6. History of Russian Literature: A 3-ton (Ed. DD good). - M., 1964. - Volume 3 (of naturalism, see pp. 548-549 with. 689-693).

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10. Chuprinin S.I. "Figurants" - Wednesday - reality (to the characteristic Russian naturalism) / S.I. Chuprinin // Questions literature. - 1979. - № 7.

11. Skibina O.M. Creative V.L. Kigna-Dedlov: issues and poetics / O.M. Skibina. - Orenburg, 2003.

12. Muratov A.B. Prose 1880. / A.B. Muratov // History of Russian Literature: The 4 tons - L., 1983. - Volume 4.

13. Reizov B.G. Cricket literary traditions in "The Brothers Karamazov / B.G. Reizov // From the history of European literatures. - L., 1979.

14. Friedlander G.M. The realism of Dostoevsky / G. Friedlander. - Leningrad, 1964.

15. Kaminsky V.I. On the epistemology of realism / V.I. Kaminsky // Russian Literature. - 1974. - № 1.

16. Suchkov B. Historical fate of realism / B. Suchkov. - M., 1973.

17. Poddubnaya E.Y. Creativity I. Potapenko and the basic laws of "mass" literature: Abstract. diss.... Candidate. philology. Science / E.Ya. Poddubnaya. - L., 1979. - C2-16.

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19. Kataev V.B. Naturalism in the background of realism (of Russian prose foreign XIX - XX centuries). / V.B. Kataev Vestnik Moskov. University. - Ser.9. Philology. - 2000. - № 1.

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About this article


Year: 2009

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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