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2009, № 11

Rumyantseva V.N. CATEGORY OF TIME IN VERSE FEUILLETON IN THE MIDDLE OF XIX CENTURY In this article the category of time in verse feuilleton in the middle of XIX century (on the material of works of N.A. Nekrasov, V.S. Kurochkin, D.D. Minaev) is regarded. The author distinguishes general types of time characteristics; reveals connection of time with other elements of genre structure.Key words: verse feuilleton, chronotop, category of time, prepotent characteristics of genre, subject system.


1. Rumyantsev V.N. Category Space poetic skits middle of the XIX century [Text] / VN Rumyantsev Vestnik OSU. - № 11, 2006. - S. 39 - 44.

2. Gruzdev I.A. Appliances newspaper feuilleton / I.A. Gruzdev / Feuilleton: Sat. Art. - L., 1927. - S. 14-16.

3. Zhurbin E.I. Art feuilleton / E.I. Zhurbin. - M., 1965. - 287s.

4. Zaslavsky D. and humorous anecdotes in the paper: lecture delivered at the Higher Party School of the TSKVKP (b) / D.I. Zaslavsky. - M., 1952. - 28C.

5. Kurland S. Feuilleton - genre satire / S.V. Kurland. - M., 1967. - 32s.

6. Kroychik L.E. Contemporary newspaper article. / L.E. Kroychik. - Voronezh, 1975. - 230s.

7. Ershov L.F. Satiric genre of Soviet Russian literature (from the epigram to the novel) / L.F. Ershov. - L.: Nauka, 1977. - 207s.

8. Saveliev V. A literary text and the art world: problems of organization / V.V. Saveliev. - Almaty, 1996. - 192

9. Rumyantsev V.N. Consumer time in the satirical sketch middle of the XIX century / V.N. Rumyantsev // Philology reading: Mater. All-Russian. scientific-practical. konf.Orenburg, 3 November 2006. - Orenburg, 2006. - S. 224 - 228.

10. Minaev D.D. Favorites / D.D. Minaev; status. Prepared. text entered. Art., Note. I.M. Yampolsky. - L.: artist. lit. Leningr.otd-tion, 1986. - 400C.

11. Kurochkin V.S. / V.S. Kurochkin // Poets Iskra: Collection: In 2 v. V. 1, entered. Art., Prepared. NB the text and. I.M. Yampolsky. - L.: Sov. writer, 1955. - 810s. (Bk poet, BS).

12. Nekrasov N.A. Vol. coll. cit. and letters: In the 15 t / N.A. Nekrasov: Volume 1.: Poems 1838-1855 years. - L.: Nauka, 1981.-720c.; V.2.: Poems 1855-1866 years. - L.: Nauka, 1981.

13. Belousov V.N. Time / VN Belousov // Russian language: Encyclopedia, ed. YN Karaulov. - Moscow: Scientific Publishers "Big Russian Encyclopedia, 2003. - Repr.izd.

14. Nikolina N.A. Retrospective composition of the poetic text / N.A. Nikolina / Poetics. Versification. Linguistics. By the 50 th anniversary of scientific activities, I.I. Kovtunovoy: Sat. Art. - M., 2003. - S. 142 - 154.

15. Matyas S.A. Invective in Russian poetry / S.A. Matyas // Man and Society: Mater. Internat. scientific-Scient. Conf. Part 3. - Orenburg, 2001. - S. 104 - 105.

About this article


Year: 2009

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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