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2009, № 11

Annenkova N.A. PLACE OF SATIRE AND INVECTIVE IN THE SYSTEM OF LYRIC GENRE BY M.YU. LERMONTOV Lyric genres of M.Yu. Lermontov in synchronistic and diachronic aspects are regarded in this article. The author distinguishes 3 groups of works from the point of view of author’s and researched genre nominations. Also the place of satire and invective in the system of traditional genres and new genres caused by the epoch of romanticism is determined here.Key words: M.Yu. Lermontov, genre, satire, invective.


1. Vatsuro V.E. Poetry of Lermontov / Lermontovskaya Encyclopedia / Ch. Ed. VA Manuilov.- S. 160-162.

2. Fischer V.M. The Poetics of Lermontov / Wreath MY Lermontov: Anniversary collection. - M.-Petrograd, 1914. - S. 222

3. Ginsburg L.Y. Lermontov's career. - L., 1940.

4. Ginsburg L.Y. Private and common in a lyrical poem // On the old and new. - L., 1982.

5. DE Maksimov Poetry Lermontov. - Leningrad, 1964. - S. 32-33

6. Skvoznikov V.D. The lyrics are: Theory of Literature. The main problems in historical interpretation. Genera and genres of literature. - M., 1964. - S. 205-206.

7. Grigor'yan K.N. Lermontov and romanticism. - Leningrad, 1964. - S. 211-212.

8. Wisniewski K.D. Stanza forms Lermontov // Creativity MY Lermontov. Sat articles on the 150 th anniversary of MU Lermontov. - Penza, 1965. - S. 90.

9. Korovin V.I. A creative way MY Lermontov. - M., 1973. - S. 109.

10. Eichenbaum B.M. Articles on Lermontov / Editor. Ed. B.Ya. Buchstab. - Leningrad, 1961. - S. 148.

11. Ginsburg L.Y. On Poetry. - L., 1964. - S. 145.

12. Dementieva (Annenkov) N.A. Satire M.Y. Lermontov at the background of the canon of genre // Regional scientific-practical. Conf. young scientists and specialists: Sat. materials. Part 3. - Orenburg, 2001. - S. 16-18.

13. Matyas S.A. Invective in Russian poetry // Man and Society. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical. Conf. Part 3. - Orenburg, 2001. - S. 105.

14. Dementieva (Annenkov) N.A., Matyas S.A. Invective poetry M.Y. Lermontov // Man and Society. Proc. scientific-practical. Conf. (15-17 November). Part 3. - Orenburg, 2001. - S. 135-137.

15. Dementieva (Annenkov) N.A. Place of invective in the genre system M.Y. Lermontov // Regional scientific-practical. Conf. young scientists and specialists of the Orenburg region: Sat. materials. Part IV. - Orenburg: Rick SEI OSU, 2003. - S. 90-92.

16. Dementieva (Annenkov) N.A. On verse invective Lermontov Vestnik OSU. - 2002. - № 6. - S. 19-24.

About this article


Year: 2009

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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