Vaulin S.D., Kartasheva M.A. THE METHODS FOR MODELING OF PERFECT GAS IN AN ANNULAR NOZZLES [№ 9 ' 2014] The methods for modeling of flows of perfect gas in external expansions annular nozzles without an external contour are researched. The flows scheme in external expansions annular nozzle with short-cut center body is considered. The versions of using of finite-difference methods for calculation flows in subsonic, transonic and supersonic fields of flow are proposed. On basis of proposed calculations methods are developed computational algorithms for modeling of gasdynamic and thrust characteristics of external expansions annular nozzle.
Kirillov V.V., Vaulin S.D. METHOD OF CALCULATING THE FLOW OF GAS IN A LOW-TEMPERATURE GAS GENERATORS FLUES [№ 4 ' 2012] A method of solving boundary-value problem of gas flow in the low-temperature flue gas generator based on the implicit finite difference scheme and the orthogonally sweep.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |