Usmanova T.A. PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED TEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE WRITTEN COMMUNICATION USING DISTANCE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES [№ 1 ' 2019] For effective learning a foreign language, it is necessary to provide the proper volumes of students’ in-class and out-of-class study. In the case of non-linguistic universities a tight educational schedule does not allow to assign an enough amount of in-class hours, which is compensated by the organization of students’ self-study. As a result, the achievement of the required level of foreign language learning, in particular, mastering foreign language written communication by students of 1–2 courses of non-linguistic universities, largely depends on the effectiveness of their individual learning activities. As one of the promising means of solving this problem, we can consider distance learning technologies, taking into account the role of written speech when communicating in modern conditions. For example, for lawyers this type of speech activity is one of the main tools of work because it is required to log all points and outcomes of legal relationships. Therefore the appropriate research objective should be a theoretical justification and development of a methodology for professionally oriented teaching of foreign language writing with use of distance learning technologies. At the same time one of the applied aspects of the task is to create a structure of the distance learning course, and to select the required set of studying tools that Web 2.0 offers us today. Modern information and educational environment provides wide opportunities for the effective organization of self-study activities of students of non-linguistic universities in the foreign language learning. Consequently, when learning foreign language writing for professional purposes, the teaching methodology can be built on the basis of the integration of full-time and distance forms of education.
Galimova L.F., Kurchatova N.N., Stepanov M.V., Yusupova R.Sh., Usmanova A.F. EVALUATION OF THE GENERAL IMMUNE STATUS AT PATIENTS WITH POST-TRAUMATIC EYE SUBATROPHY [№ 4 ' 2013] In this report there are represented the results of the immunological examination of patients suffering from post-traumatic eyeball subatrophy. There were revealed the most characteristic peculiarities of the immune status of the patients such as increase of the number of immuno-component cells resulting in the start of the auto-aggressive changes in the organism.
Gareev E.M., Kadyrov R.Z., Usmanova A.F., Sarbaeva A.S. THE CORNEAL TISSUE STRAIN IN NORM, IN CASE OF LAMELLAR KERATOPLASTY AND MYOPIA [№ 4 ' 2013] The parameters of the corneal hysteresis and corneal tissue strain were registered using the complex of biomechanical and morphometric methods, with the intraocular pressure being measured and keratopachymetry conducted in three groups (the control group included 23 eyes and the first basic one 8 eyes and the second basic one 15 eyes). The research showed that the corneal tissue strain (CTS) index was significantly higher in the first basic group. The authors colligate the present fact with the revealed tendency for some cornea thickening after the lamellar keratoplasty by Alloplant biomaterial. There have not been detected any differences between the control and basic groups according to the level of corneal hysteresis and intraocular pressure.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |