Mushkova I.A., Semenov A.D., Sobolev N.P., Zakharova I.A., Karimova A.N., Maychuk N.V. EVALUATION OF RESULTS FOR INDUCED AMETROPY REFRACTIVE CORRECTION IN PATIENTS AFTER RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY WITH IMPLANTATION IRIS-LENS DIAPHRAGM [№ 12 ' 2014] The research is aimed to develop a diagnostic and treatment algorithm of choice kerato-refractive surgery after reconstructive surgery with implantation iris-lens diaphragm and evaluate the results of induced ametropy correction. We observed 41 eyes (41 patients) with residual ametropy after reconstructive surgery with implantation iris-lens diaphragm before and after keratorefractive operations. The developed algorithm of choice in patients with induced ametropy after reconstructive surgery with implantation iris-lens diaphragm, taking into account the data pachymetry, the localization of the scar and the state of anterior surface of the cornea, provides personalized comprehensive approach in determining the techniques of laser keratorefractive correction that allowed increasing uncorrected visual acuity in all cases. FemtoLASIK — effective and safe technologies allowing obtain high functional results in the correction of induced ametropia in patients after the reconstructive surgery with implantation iris-lens diaphragm.
Panteleev E.N., Malyugin B.E., Bessarabov A.N., Sobolev N.P., Agafonov S.G. SELECTION OF OPTIMAL POSTOPERATIVE REFRACTION IN CATARACT PHACOEMULSIFICATION IN POST RADIAL KERATOTOMY PATIENTS [№ 4 ' 2013] In the present study a possibility of selecting the optimal postoperative refraction in cataract patients after radial keratotomy were investigated in phacoemulsification. Refraction goals during phacoemulsification in cataract patients who have previously had a radial keratotomy are determined, by the choice of the patient and the overall treatment strategy. Calculation for emmetropia even with astigmatism allows to obtain a higher uncorrected visual acuity in comparison with the planned simple myopic astigmatism. Compound myopic astigmatism is a target refraction of choice for further excimer laser correction.
O. V. Soboleva VALUES OF MARKET ECONOMY AS DOMINANT OF STUDENTT EDUCATION OF ECONOMIC DEPARTMENTS [№ 2 ' 2001] The article deals with values of nowadays economics. Their integration is essential for the formation of world-outlook position of economic departments students.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |