Shukhman A.E., Belonovskaya I.D., Zaporozhko V.V., Polezhaev P.N., Ushakov Yu.A. E-LEARNING COURSES DEVELOPMENT INTELLECTUAL METHODS FOR ADAPTIVE LEARNING [№ 4 ' 2019] Modern professional education is characterized by a steady trend towards the transition to digitalization and personification of training. Modernization of professional education is currently associated with the introduction of adaptive, practice-oriented and flexible educational programs. At the same time, existing platforms for creating e-learning courses, for example, the most popular system Moodle, do not yet have the ability to intellectualize the learning process, flexibly adapt the educational content to the individual needs of students, do not contain convenient intellectual tools to support developers of online courses, automate routine operations for structuring educational content. To solve these problems, we have analyzed approaches to the development of e-learning courses, identified development stages and requirements for e-learning courses, developed a model of e-learning courses and a model of data collected in the process of e-learning. Based on the developed models, we suggest intelligent methods for creating e-learning courses: an algorithm for structuring materials for an e-learning course, an algorithm for hierarchical classification of materials for a course according to thematic blocks, an algorithm for primary ranking of educational items in complexity and significance, an algorithm for initial determination of the dependencies between blocks and elements of a course. Logical and physical architecture of an intelligent platform for creating and maintaining courses for Moodle has been developed. The use of intelligent platforms for the creation and maintenance of electronic e-learning courses will significantly increase the efficiency of the course authors and will expand the choice of courses in the regional digital educational environment, which will positively affect the quality of training.
Ushakov Yu.A., Shukhman A.E., Parfenov D.I., Polezhaev P.N., Ushakova M.V. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF USING THE VIDEOCONFERENCING PLATFORM IN THE CONTINUING EDUCATION SYSTEM [№ 3 ' 2019] All major browsers began to support WebRTC technology, many video conferencing systems switched to WebRTC as the main technology. But there still remain problems of controlling the quality of voice and video, especially in multi-point conferences, where there is no time to control each participant and there is no way to quickly reconnect some of the participants. The work is devoted to the possibility of automatic objective quality control of perception on the client side for both audio and video streams for the operational solution of WebRTC transmission problems.
Prilepina A.V., Morkovina E.F., Shukhman A.E. METHODS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM CONTENT FOR IT INDUSTRY [№ 1 ' 2016] The modernization of professional education leads to the problems of inconsistency of professional training programs at various levels, the mismatch between the skill level of graduates and needs of regional labor markets. The development of the content of educational programs for IT industry are often performed without regarding to the requirements of employers, the demand for certain competencies, the opportunities to continue education at a higher level. To solve the problem of correlation between graduate skills and professional competencies we analyzed IT professional qualifications, as well as professional standards. Model of educational content is based on a system of professional competencies. Various optimization methods are offered for selecting a subset of competencies that are optimal according to certain criteria and satisfy the given constraints. As a result, the classification of the content of all the developed competencies on four levels allows to set the appropriate levels of competencies for skill levels of specialties in IT industry. The developed methods have been successfully tested in the development of the content of training program "Software and administration of information systems" for the profession "Programmer". Testing methods showed the possibility of its widespread use for the development of training programs for the different professions of IT industry.
Bakhareva N.F., Polezhaev P.N., Ushakov U.A., Shukhman A.E. MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKS [№ 13 ' 2015] The existing solutions for enterprise networks have a number of drawbacks. First, there is a problem deciding where to install the security tools, which are usually placed at the subnet borders. This leads to the fact, that they only handle the traffic transmitted through them. It reduces the level of network security. Second, there is the problem of the efficient network traffic routing while ensuring quality of service at the appropriate level. To solve these problems we propose the usage of the software-defined network technology. On the base of this technology, the prototype's architecture for network security system of enterprise SDN is proposed. It includes the implementation of the algorithms for firewall, authentication, routing and delivering QoS. The proposed authentication algorithm for enterprise SDN supports IEEE802.1x, EAP, RADIUS, LDAP, WPA2-EAP. SDN is used to isolate the data streams of different users with the ability to create any number of isolated virtual networks without restrictions of VLAN, and to implement additional access control by firewall. The experimental results of the prototype research show the efficiency and suitability of the developed algorithms for enterprise SDNs. The results can be used to deploy enterprise SDNs in companies of the Orenburg region.
Ushakov U.A., Konnov A.L., Polezhaev P.N., Shukhman A.E. SIMULATION MODEL OF VPN NETWORK WITH DYNAMIC AUTOCONFIGURATION [№ 13 ' 2015] Nowadays virtual private networks (VPN) are widely used to connect distributed network segments. We have developed the concept of self-organizing virtual private network based on cloud technologies. Deploying VPN can be greatly simplified by using the automatic configuration of network devices based on various algorithms for determining the network topology as well as routing methods. VPN control and routing algorithms may be studied on the basis of simulation. The article presents the simulation model of a self-organizing VPN. Testing has revealed the dependence between increasing the network load and node communication failures. The VPN simulation model can be used to conduct experiments on any topologies, as well as for development of the network segment simulator.
Ushakov U.A., Polezhaev P.N., Shukhman A.E. DEVELOPMENT OF MULTISERVICE MULTIPOINT VPN NETWORK WITH DYNAMIC AUTOCONFIGURATION [№ 9 ' 2015] Nowadays the usage of enterprise VPN services is integrated in every large company. SOHO and SMB also use VPN for connection with Internet providers, VoIP, banking transactions. Our approach suggests to automatize building and using multipoint VPN topologies. We also proposed the cloud to build full-mesh dynamic multipoint VPNs based on routers using scripts. During research the prototype of autoconfigured VPN network was developed. Its experimental research showed good results in performance and memory consumption, reflecting great horizontal scalability of cloud VPN server. Proposed concept of autoconfigured network based on customer profile showed viability. We plan to extend it to the direction of network traffic management. We also propose to implement the full-mesh network for customers without the server for traffic transmission, which will further reduce the cost for customers.
Polezhaev P.N., Bahareva N.F., Shukhman A.E. DEVELOPMENT OF EFFICIENT GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR ROUTING AND DELIVERING QOS USING SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKS [№ 1 ' 2015] This paper presents results of research aimed to the development of efficient routing methods for corporate software-defined networks and cloud systems. Optimization problem of proactive traffic routing was formalized. It considers flexible constraints on providing QoS parameters for data flows — minimum guaranteed bandwidth and maximum guaranteed delay. Genetic algorithm was proposed for solution of this problem. It is based on software-defined networking, which is used for collecting information on network state and installing routing rules to the switches. Implementation of this algorithm was estimated by software-defined network simulator, and showed good efficiency. In the future we plan to study it in detail using simulator and a real software-defined network.
Shukman E.V. NON-DECIMAL FRACTIONS IN PAPERS BY G.W. LEIBNIZ AND L. EULER [№ 12 ' 2013] The article provides a comparative analysis between Leibniz's and Euler's results associated with non-decimal fractions. The study of papers, letters and unpublished manuscripts shows that Leibniz first explored binary fractions and tried to apply them to study transcendental numbers. However he had no significant progress because he did not use an effective method for converting fractional numbers into binary system. Euler knew the method for converting fractional numbers similar to the modern, and successfully applied binary fraction representations to calculate sums of series and infinite products.
Tarasov V.N., Polezhaev P.N., Shukhman A.E., Ushakov Yu.A., Konnov A.L. MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF CLOUD COMPUTING DATACENTER BASED ON OPENFLOW [№ 9 ' 2012] This paper presents a model of cloud computing data center and a model of computing tasks. They are used by authors in the proposed version of cloud management system based on OpenStack. It implements efficient jobs scheduling through their allocation to topologically closest computing nodes and efficient data flow control between nodes for their topological localization and reduction of network contention.
Shukhman A.E., Belonovskaya I.D., Tsvetkova K.E. MODEL OF CONSTANT MULTILEVEL PREPARATION OF SPECIALISTS FOR INNOVATION BRANCHES OF ECONOMY [№ 2 ' 2011] The article presents a model of expert training for innovative branches of economy. The model determinates the relationship the existing levels of professional education with the levels of general professional competencies, as well with activities in the innovation economy. The model assumes many possible educational trajectories in training.
Shukhman A.E. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROFILE PROGRAMS OF TRAINING BACCALAUREATES FOR THE BRANCH OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES [№ 9 ' 2010] In the article the author represents the technology of the development of profile educational programs for the basic professions of the branch of information technologies on the basis of professional standards. The author examined in detail the construction of the program of preparation along the profile "information resources".
Shukhman A.E., Gerasimenko S.A. APPROACHES TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROFILE PROGRAMS OF TRAINING SCHOOLCHILDREN IN THE REGION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES [№ 9 ' 2010] The authors represent the program of the professional training of the schoolchildren in the region of information technologies with the specializations, based on the professional standards of IT-branch. They examine the possibilities for cooperation of the establishments of formation and IT-companies.
Shukhman E.V. APPROXIMATE CALCULATION OF SOME MATHEMATICAL CONSTANTS IN THE PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED WORKS OF L. EYLER. [№ 9 ' 2010] There is the published work of Eyler and note from his notebooks, connected with the calculation of the constant of Eyler — Maskheroni γ and constant of Erdesh — Borveyn α.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |