Pischuhina O.A., Serdyuk A.I. THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE DEFECTS READING SUBSYSTEM FROM TESTING WEAVE IN FABRIC INSPECTION [№ 1 ' 2014] This paper views the main types of arrangement the defects reading subsystem from testing weave in fabric inspection. The basic mathematical relationships were derived to determine distance between the illuminator, camera and testing weave for the most common linen weave.
Serdyuk A.I., Sergeev A.I., Kornipaev M.A., Gilfanova F.F. STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF TECHNICAL OFFER FORMING OF CREATION OF FLEXIBLE INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS OF MACHINING PROCESS [№ 1 ' 2006] The urgency of flexible industrial systems creation problem is revealed in this article. The author’s approach to the construction and analysis of computer models is given here too. Consecution and content of earlier projecting stages, finished by technical suggestion working out are regarded. The examples of technical task forming and technical suggestion on flexible industrial systems are given here. Using of cumulative elaborations during studying process at specialists training in the sphere of flexible automation is described in this article.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |