Kurilenko V., Prosvirkina I., Sapozhnikov P. THE INVARIANT MODEL OF THE INFORMATION CULTURE FORMATION OF THE TEACHER OF RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE [№ 4 ' 2024] In connection with the digital transformation of the system and process of teaching Russian to foreign students, for a modern teacher of Russian as a foreign language (hereinafter RFL), information culture becomes an important integrative quality of the individual, the possession of which is necessary to ensure high-quality and effective professional and pedagogical activity and the effective solution of professional tasks in the information educational environment. The integrated model of formation of information culture of a RFL teacher is created on the basis of the principles of cultural conformity, axiologisation and acmeologisation, systemicity, flexibility and self-organisation, openness and continuity. The model includes the following components: target, content, procedural and control and assessment. The target block includes the goals of the process of forming the information culture of a RFL teacher: forming a value-based attitude towards the process of nurturing the language and information culture of a foreign student in a RFL teacher; forming a belief that various tools of the digital space, new technologies, and means should be used in professional activities; forming a system of views of RFL teachers on the role and place of digital education and information culture for their professional activities. The content component consists of the following modules: information and pedagogical worldview; information and pedagogical competence; information and pedagogical activity; pedagogical reflection. The procedural unit is represented by pedagogical conditions, principles, teaching technologies, methods and forms of work. The control and assessment unit is represented by four components, each of which is aimed at determining the level of formation of a certain component of the information culture of a RFL teacher. The potential of the modern system of additional professional education allows us to provide professional support for the formation of the information culture of a RFL teacher thanks to the created invariant model, on the basis of which it is possible to design and implement additional educational programs in different formats (offline, online, mixed), therefore it can become the basis for the design of programs implemented in the system of additional higher education.
Sapozhnikova O.S. TO THE PROBLEM OF NON-LINGUISTIC STUDENTS’AUTONOMY LEVEL ASSESSMENT IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS [№ 4 ' 2020] Abstract: The issue of developing non-linguistic students’ autonomy at Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) is still of current interest. The need to research this issue is supported by Federal State Educational Standards requirements. The article is devoted to non-linguistic students’ autonomy level assessment. Analysis of Russian and foreign scientific literature concerning the problem of autonomy development made it possible to define the notion “autonomy”. The autonomy definition allows to identify autonomy structure components (psychological, methodological, social, creative). Based on the autonomy structure components the criteria assessments, indicators and levels of autonomy are presented. The article describes the results of testing the mentioned above statements. Results analysis showed low developed indicators of non-linguistic students’ autonomy. It is evident that bachelor degree students’ autonomy defining process should be thoroughly examined.
Chainikova I.N., Smolyagin A.I., Livshits N.M., Sapozhnikova A.V., Bukharin O.V. INFECTOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MODEL SYSTEM OF EXPERIMENTAL SALMONELLOSIS INFECTION [№ 5 (app.1) ' 2005] Peculiarities of infectious process of mice (CBA x C57 BL6)F1 at enteral infection with strain S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis, were studied in this article. Salmonella strain of enteritidis stimulated more expressed changes of infectious process (lethality, organs’ semination, cellular structure changes of lymphoid organs, suppression of macrophage bactericidal characteristics) and were characterized with higher level of antilactoferrin, anticomplementary, antiimmunoglobulin activity.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |