Bekpergenova A.V., Khlopko Y.A., Ivanova E.V., Perunova N.B. FORMATION OF ASSOCIATIONS OF OBLIGATE-ANAEROBIC BACTERIA OF THE GUT HUMAN [№ 9 ' 2017] Examination of infection as a form of symbiotic relationship between microorganisms and humans allowed to substantiate the idea of infection as a model system of associative symbiosis. Microsymbiocenosis is one of the vectors of associative symbiosis, where the formation of associations of microorganisms with different types of bonds takes place. A significant contribution to understanding infectious symbiology has been made by new methodological approaches using the persistent potential of microbes in the evaluation of microsymbiocenosis. The study of the mechanisms of intermicrobial interactions has shown that the basis of the formation of microsymbiocenosis is the relationship that determines the nature of the relationship — synergistic and antagonistic. Since the results of the in vitro experiments revealed that under the action of supernatants, both the increase and decrease in biological properties occur to varying degrees, and there is no change in the indices studied (indifferent effect), to obtain synergistic and antagonistic relationships, the resulting factual material was processed with discriminant analysis, which integrated the investigated properties: growth properties, biofilm formation, antilisozime activity. This made it possible to single out associations with a “synergistic” type of bond: B. bifidum / B. longum; B. longum / E. limosum; E. limosum / B. fragillis; C. perfringens / B. fragilis and “antagonistic” — E. limosum / C. perfringens. In natural conditions, the vast majority of microorganisms exist in the form of associations, the formation of which gives a certain advantage to members of the microbial community when surviving in various biotopes of the human body. The carried out researches made it possible to establish that in addition to the growth properties in the associations of obligate anaerobic bacteria, there is a change in biological properties (biofilm formation, antilisozime activity) that make up the system-forming factor of microsymbiocenosis, which contributes to understanding the mechanisms of the formation of associative symbiosis of man and can make a difference in the development of microbial compositions of new synbiotics.
Kataeva L.V., Perunova N.B., Karpukhina N.F., Stepanova T.F., Bukharin O.V. THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF THE BACTERIA OF THE SORT AEROMONAS ALLOCATED FROM MOLLUSKS-BITINIID AND A RESERVOIR [№ 4 ' 2015] The aim: to determine the species structure and biological properties of Aeromonas, isolated from water and mollusks family Bithyniidae. Materials and methods: mollusks and water from their habitats are the materials used in this research. The material was collected at the Iryum River (the Ob-Irtysh basin) in the summer period. 176 strains of Aeromonas bacteria were picked. Identification of bacteria was performed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization — MALDI-TOF Microflex LT (Brucker Daltonics ®). The presence of hemolysin, lecithinase, plazmokoagulase and lysozyme were investigated by conventional methods. The antilysozyme activity of bacteria was determined by method of Bukharin O.V. et al. (1999), the biofilm formation — by G. O'Tool et al. (2000). The results: taxonomic composition and biological properties of bacteria of the genus Aeromonas isolated from bitiinid and their habitat (water). Mollusks allocated species such as A. veronii, A. hydrophyla, A. ichthiosmia, and out of the water — A. veronii, A. ichthiosmia, rarely — A. cavia. Isolates with hemolytic, lecithinase activity and had no lysozyme and plasma coagulation activity. Intensity of antilysozyme activity and biofilm formation of bacteria of the genus Aeromonas varied depending on the source selection cultures. Conclusion: the bacteria of the genus Aeromonas are widely represented in microsymbiocenosis of mollusks Bithyniidae and water and have a complex of biological properties, which contributes to the adaptation of microorganisms to their environment. The data obtained contribute to deciphering the mechanisms of formation, maintenance and operation of the association microparasitocenosis.
Bukharin O.V., Chelpachenko O.E., Perunova N.B., Ivanova E.V., Andryuschenko S.V. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL BASIS OF SELECTION BY ANTIMYCOTIC PHYTODRUGS [№ 3 ' 2015] The use of antilysozyme and lipolytic activity as biotarget allowed to select herbs with maximum inhibitory effect of biological properties C.albicans: Artemisia absinthium L., Rosa cinnamomea L. infusions and Juniperus communis L., Citrus limon burm., Dianthus, Melissa officinalis Chaix. и Aloe arborescens mill aromatic substances. Conducted clinical laboratory studies have shown the efficacy of selected herbal drugs, which manifestated by reducing the frequency of intestinal dysbiosis with C.albicans hypercolonization by patients with CTD and decrease frequency somatic diseases in research group,and proved the possibility of using this method of selection antimycotic drugs.
Perunov V.B. FINANCIAL STABILITY MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE IN CONDITIONS OF PERTROCHANTERIC SITUATIONS OF NATURE CHARACTER [№ 10 ' 2006] The problems of financial stability management of agricultural enterprise in conditions of pertrochanteric situations of nature character are regarded in this article. Research of influence on financial stability of cash assets deficit overcoming methods such as crediting and insurance is given here.
Mikhailova E.A., Voronina L.G., Perunova N.B., Kuznetsova E.K., Geneles L.N., Mikhailova O.O. PATHOGENETIC MEANING OF EJACULAT MICROFLORA IN FORMING OF MALE CHRONIC GONORRHEA [№ 12 ' 2005] Peculiarities of specific structure of virulent and persistent characteristics of male ejaculat microflora at different forms of gonococcal infection are revealed in this article. The patient, who has fresh gonorrhoea, has decrease of specific variety as compared with a person in good health, whereas a patient, who has chronicle form of infection, has sowing different types of gonococcal microbe-associats, having high persistent potential. The meaning of revealed peculiarities of pathological biocenose in the process chronization is discussed in this article. Key words: gonococcal infection, ejacula, persistence, microflora.
Bukharin O.V., Chainikova I.N., Smolyagin A.I., Valyshev A.V., Perunova N.B., Vlasova E.V., Kalinina T.N. CHARACTERISTICS OF LOCAL BOWELS IMMUNITY AND MICROBIOCENOSE OF PATIENTS WITH SALMONELLOSIS INFECTION [№ 5 (app.1) ' 2005] It was revealed that evident numerical and qualitative damages of microbiocenose condition of thick bowels of patients with salmonellosis are accompanied with synchronous change of local immunity characteristics in coprophiltrates and saliva.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |