Moiseeva I.Y., Nozdrina T.G. THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF KEYWORDS POSITION DISTRIBUTION IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TEXTS: GENDER ASPECT [№ 1 ' 2017] The article is devoted to a research of features of keywords (KW) position distribution in primary and secondary texts depending on gender of the author. For achievement of this aim the stating psycholinguistic experiment is carried out. The technique of the experiment is based on the technique of text studying and text perception developed by L.N. Murzin and A.S. Stern. The position analysis of keywords distribution in primary and secondary texts is carried out for registering the intensity of organization processes and forming self-organization process. Symmetry, the principle of repetition of form and content elements which is carried out in space-time and asymmetry — contrast of symmetry have acted as criteria of the analysis. Based on results of the comparative analysis of primary texts shaping scenarios which are reconstructed depending on KW marked by men in texts of belles-lettres and newspaper styles, the invariant feature of a primary text forming is revealed, namely,the harmonization of text intervals : Absolute beginning — Beginning — pre-HCb— post— HCb and the End. The distinctive feature of a primary invariant text shaping, on the basis of KW marked by women, is the high coefficient of KW distribution in a position HCb which promotes optimum perception of a text plot. The analysis of the secondary text forming process made by women has revealed the following tendencies: 1) primary influence of symmetric tendencies; 2) dense distribution of KW in the beginning of the text (Beginning, pre-HCb, post— HCb) and the End interval, which support the thematic component of the text. The main components of the secondary text structural organization of men group are the asymmetric tendencies influencing ambiguity of primary text meaning transfer this fact does the text unpredictable for the recipient. The comparative analysis of the secondary texts forming scenarios produced by men and women revealed a position of the Harmonic Center of the whole text as a position of structural harmonization. |
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |