Prishnivskaya Ya.V., Nechaeva Yu.S., Krasilnikov V.P., Boronnikova S.V. MOLECULAR GENETIC OF FOUR POPULATIONS PINUS SYLVESTRIS L. IN THE EAST OF THE RUSSIAN PLAIN BASED ON POLYMORPHISM ISSR-MARKERS [№ 2 ' 2016] To solve modern problems of conservation and restoration of forests requires assessment of biodiversity in forest ecosystems, an important element of which is the study of the genetic diversity of populations of main forest-forming species, one of which is Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Population genetic studies of P. Sylvestris held, mostly on the basis of isozyme analysis, and using polymorphism analysis of DNA markers, such as ISSR-markers, studies are rare and performed only in artificial plantations. Molecular genetic analysis is carried out in four populations of P. Sylvestris L., located in the east of the Russian Plain. It revealed 125 ISSR-markers, of which 120 were polymorphic (P95 = 0.960). It was established that studied in the east of the Russian Plain four populations are characterized by a high level of genetic diversity (P95 = 0.960; He = 0.159; ne = 1.543), while the largest values of the studied parameters are noted in PsIV population (P95 = 0.783; He = 0.211; ne = 1.367) and the smallest — in PsIII (P95 = 0.553; He = 0.101; ne = 1.157). The studied population is strongly differentiated, as the inter-population component accounted 50.14 % of genetic diversity. The study of population genetic structure using the program STRUCTURE 2.3.4 identified a clear correspondence between the clusters of genotypes and populations studied. Thus, the analysis of polymorphism ISSR-markers can effectively assess the genetic diversity and differentiation of P. Sylvestris, the need for sustainable forest management.
Yanbaev Y.A., Boronnikova S.V., Akhmetov A.R., Nechaeva Y.S., Prishvinskaya Y.V. ISSR-MARKERS AS A TOOL FOR INVESTIGATIONS OF POPULATION GENETIC DIFERSITY: A CASE STUDY OF THE NORWAY MAPLE (ACER PLATANOIDES L.) [№ 6 ' 2014] Polymorphism of 9 populations of the Southern Ural's maple (Acer platanoides L.) was investigated by using ISSR-analysis. Proportion of polymorphic fragments DNKranged from 0,800 to 0,926 (depending on primers) and amounted to an average0.861. The analysis did not reveal any geographical patterns in genetic diversity of populations. Recommendations about protection and rational use of genetic resources of a look in the region are made.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |