Moskovtseva N.I., Mironchev O.V., Revtova V.A. RISKS OF ADVERSE OUTCOMES AFTER FIRST MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION [№ 6 ' 2011] The results of 3 year observation for 298 men at the age 30–65 years old who had undergone the infarction for the first time presented. There was realized the comparison of frequency of lethality and repeated infarction in 3 year period with the frequencies of signs in early period after the first infarction (well-known markers). We also have compared this frequencies in groups of patients who underwent different tactics of physical rehabilitation: physical training, periodical hypobaric training in altitude chamber or absence of any training. It was performed the computation and comparison of risks of the lethality and repeated infarction. The significant role of both methods of physical rehabilitation on negative outcomes after the first infarction was shown.
Moskovtseva N.I., Mironchev O.V. INFLUENCE OF ADAPTATION TO PERIODICAL PRESSURE CHAMBER HYPOXIA ON CLINICAL DISEASE PICTURE OF PATIENTS AFTER MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION [№ 12 ' 2010] The influence of adaptation to periodical pressure chamber hypoxia (APPChH) on clinical manifestation of coronary heart disease (CHD) of patients after myocardial infarction was influenced. The authors gave comparison in groups of patients subjected with APPChH (98 persons) and with rehabilitation course of exercise therapy (RCETh, 100 persons) and also patients who weren't subjected with rehabilitation measures (100 persons). It is shown that APPChH and RCETh promote decreasing the number of retrosternal pain arrivals, feelings of stoppages, dyspnea and palpitation. At the same time rehabilitation with APPChH using has more favorable influence than RCETh, but this effect kept during the first half year of the course of rehabilitation therapy.
Moskovzeva N.I., Mironzev O.V. DYNAMICS OF HEMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS OF THE PATIENTS WITH OLD MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DURING ADAPTATION TO PERIODIC ALTITUDE CHAMBER HYPOXIA [№ 6 ' 2010] The authors study an effect of adaptation to periodic altitude chamber hypoxia (APACH) on hemodynamic parameters of cardio ischemia patients with old myocardial infarction. They compare hemodynamic after-effects due to: APACH (75 patients), combination of APACH and rehabilitation under low-hill terrain conditions (23 patients), rehabilitation course of remedial gymnastics (RCRG, 100 patients) and absence of rehabilitation measures (100 patients). It has been showed that APACH and RCRG facilitate normalization of arterial tension and heart rate. Evidentially, APACH has a major positive influence on of arterial tension parameters if compared to RCRG, though this effect is kept for several months and fades away by the end of the 1st half-year after adaptational therapy course.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |