Chepasov V.I., Nikonorova О.А., Kuryakova Т.А., Teterin А.P. EARTHQUAKE FORECAST BASED ON THE PERIODS OF HARMONICS WITH THE MAXIMUM AMPLITUDE OF EARTHQUAKE LOCAL TIME, EARTHQUAKE DAYS, TIDAL VARIATIONS IN GRAVITY [№ 4 ' 2009] On the basis of spectrum analysis, the periods of harmonics with the maximum amplitude for earthquake local time, earthquake days, parameters of tidal variations in gravity during events were identified. With the aid of found periods of harmonics with the maximum amplitude a methodology is suggested to forecast earthquake time through cumulative sum calculation starting from 1987 (in hours).
Chepasov V.I., Rusanov A.M., Smirnykh T.A., Kuryakova T.A. ANALYSIS OF PARE AND GROUP CONDITIONALITIES AT TIME CHANGE OF SOIL PARAMETERS [№ 2 ' 2009] Comparative analysis of conditionalities for unranked and ranged matrixes is conducted for small regions of changes soil parameters of normalized matrixes. Normalized matrixes are constructed for different time counts.
Kuryakova Т.А., Teterin А.P., Kaykova Т.V. SPECTRAL CONDITIONALITY OF SOIL PARAMETERS [№ 12 ' 2008] The article provides an analysis of the spectral and quantitative causation of the humus for the two time reckonings. The analysis result are given for the normalized research matrixes and for the ranked normalized research matrixes.
Kuryakova T.A., Nepsha A.A., Teterin A.P. SPECTRAL FORECAST OF SOIL PARAMETERS [№ 11 ' 2008] The authors study methods of spectral forecast of soil parameters using unranked and ranked normalized investigation matrices built for different time counts.
[№ 10 ' 2008]
Ivanova V.S., Rusanova A.M., Kaikova, Kuryakova T.A. ANALYSIS OF QUALITATIVE CONDITIONALITIES AT TIME CHANGE OF SOIL PARAMETERS [№ 9 ' 2008] Comparative analysis of qualitative conditionalities for unranked and ranked matrixes is given for small areas of soil parameters changes of normalized researched matrixes. Normalized matrixes are constructed for different time counts.
Rusanov A.M., Chepasov V.I., Smirnykh T.A., Kuryakova T.A. PARAMETRIC FORECASTING OF SOIL PARAMETERS AT DEFICIT OF BASIC DATA [№ 6 ' 2008] The method of parametric forecasting of soil parameters with using of ranged normalized matrixes of research constructed for different time countings is regarded in this article. The results with using of one-type and mixed ranking of normalized matrixes of research are given here.
Chepasov V.I., Kuryakova T.A., Nepsha A.A. SPECTRAL FORECASTING OF SOIL PARAMETERS [№ 6 ' 2008] The methods of spectral forecasting of soil parameters with using of unranked and ranked normalized matrixes of research constructed for different time countings are regarded in this article.