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Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N.
The issue of compatibility between men and women in family relationships is caused by changes in traditional ideas about the family and the need to improve psychological support for modern families. We conducted research using the following methods: analysis, synthesis and generalization of psychological literature; empirical — experiment, testing using the “Marital Satisfaction Test Questionnaire” by V.V. Stolina, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko; the W. Schutz questionnaire (WMO) for interpersonal compatibility; questionnaire by A.N. Volkova “Role expectations and aspirations in marriage”; statistical — analysis of the experiment using Spearman’s correlation analysis and Student’s t-test. As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that there are no differences on the “interaction volume index” and “inconsistency index” scales for each of the areas between the studied groups. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups in the assessment of their family in the range from “absolutely dysfunctional family” to “absolutely prosperous”. There were no respondents who would rate their family as dysfunctional or rather dysfunctional. The respondents showed a high assessment of sexual harmony in the family. They evaluate this criterion as the most important condition for marital happiness. A connection was identified between the need to create and maintain satisfactory relationships with other people and the personal readiness of each partner to fulfill family roles (r = 0.376* at p = 0.05); the need to create and maintain satisfactory relationships with other people, based on love and emotional relationships and social activity as a value (r = -0.380* at p = 0.05); the desire to create and maintain a feeling of mutual, warm emotional relationship with a partner, and an attitude toward one’s own active participation in housekeeping and caring for a partner (r = 0.479** at p = 0.01); social activity and marital satisfaction” (r = 0.383* at p = 0.01).

Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N., Averkova E.P.
The article discusses one of the most important topics in the field of human psychology — appearance as value and self-relation, a number of psychological approaches are analyzed to the problem of self-approaching the problem of self-assessment, I-Concept, the role of self-acceptance and subjective interpretation of its appearance in the subjective welfare of the personality is noted.
The results of an empirical study of ideas about their appearance through self-relation using the techniques are given: “The test index of life satisfaction (IZZA)”, the adaptation of N. V. Panina, the Questionnaire of Satisfaction “of the Father I” and the methodology of the Research Research S.R. Panteleeva (MIS) .
As an object of study, 20 student students of the Orenburg State University were made aged 18 to 23 years old, as well as 20 women aged 38–45 years. The study showed that the image of his “I” from a significant number of women and girls is perceived in a negative plan. And this in turn affects satisfaction with the quality of life and the success of social adaptation. It was also noted that the attitude towards his physical “I” in women of older age is different from the girls of 18–23 years. They are more positive about themselves and the feeling of self-satisfaction and self-proposals are higher.

Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N.
What is rigidity and how it interferes with the implementation of a set goal, getting stuck or inclination to adhere to the accepted program, how rigidity is associated with the motivational components of the personality. We raised these questions in our empirical research. When studying the scientific literature, scattered ideas about rigidity and achievement motivation as personality traits were obtained. The representative sample included 30 students of the third and fourth years of the Orenburg State University. A questionnaire was compiled, which allowed the respondents to reflect on the determination of the implementation of goal-setting, the awareness of the difficulties in achieving the goal, the perception of failure situations, behavior options when determining failure as a motivator for striving to achieve or avoid. Also, the questionnaire made it possible to determine the real and ideal personality traits that contribute to the achievement of the set goals, as well as to conduct a self-assessment of the respondents' rigidity. According to the TORZ questionnaire by G.V. Zalevsky, most of the respondents have an average level of rigidity. Methodology of Yu.M. Orlov made it possible to diagnose the development of working capacity. The results indicate the average need for success. In most cases, respondents set realistic goals for themselves and prefer not to take risks. T. Ehlers' questionnaire made it possible to determine the degree of motivation for achieving success and the degree of avoiding failure in the sample. Average values were obtained. It was found that 43 % of the respondents had an average level of failure avoidance motivation, 37 % had a moderately high level, 10 % showed a too high level of failure avoidance and 10 % a low level. For 50 % of respondents, a moderately high level of motivation to achieve success is characteristic, 30 % is an average level of motivation, 13 % is a low level of motivation, and 7 % is a too high level of motivation for success. The correlation analysis did not reveal a relationship between the motivation for achieving success or the motivation for avoiding failure and personality rigidity. The data obtained in the study indicate that rigidity and motivation for achieving success or avoiding failure are not interrelated and do not affect each other.

Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N., Kozlovskii D.A.
Among the requirements for specialists to perform professional activities, an important place is occupied by the skills and abilities to work with a large amount of information and in multitasking conditions. And this requires knowledge of the fundamentals of self-organization, which presupposes a rational distribution of time, precise planning and organization of the entire process of life activity — study and classes outside it. The study is devoted to the study of the development of skills of self-organization of university graduates and first-year students, as the student acts as a subject of educational activities, in which, along with classroom work, a large amount of hours falls on the independent study of sections of disciplines, research and other work. It is the period of study at the university that is sensitive for the formation of self-organization skills.
The representative sample included first and final year students of universities in Orenburg in the amount of 68 people. Questionnaire “styles of activity” (SA-36) A.D. Ishkova and N.G. Miloradova allowed to identify differences between students of junior and senior courses. We found differences in the styles of students' activities: the predominance of the theoretical and reflective type of activity among younger students and the dominance of the pragmatic and active type among senior students. The questionnaire “Diagnosis of features of self-organization” (DFSO-39) A.D. Ishkov allowed us to reveal that junior students showed medium and high targets for goal setting, which indicates a sufficient level of development of skills for accepting and retaining goals, with an overall low level of self-organization. Self-organization of senior students is distinguished by higher self-control, an analysis of the circumstances that are essential to achieve the goal, the level of planning their own activities, and the development of volitional qualities. Based on mathematical statistics, we identified differences between groups at the level of independence and organization of students.
Younger students showed medium and high targets for goal-setting, which indicates a sufficient level of development of skills for adopting and maintaining goals, with an overall low level of self-organization. Differences were found in the styles of students' activities: the predominance of the theoretical and reflective type of activity among younger students and the dominance of the pragmatic and active type among senior students. The data obtained in our study indicate the need to optimize the educational process and the inclusion of academic disciplines related to learning self-organization.

Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N., Potokina A.M.
The primary importance in the development of the child's personality is played by parental attitudes to education. The need to study the maternal attitudes of women with children aged 5 to 7 years is the approval and evidence of empirical data on the direct relationship of the formation of individual characteristics of children and maternal attitudes. Identification of the features of maternal attitudes will allow to predict the mental and emotional development of children, as well as to provide timely psychological assistance to families having trouble in the educational process.
We conducted a study on a sample of 30 women aged 25 to 45 years and their children aged 5 years 2 months to 6 years 11 months. The sample was divided into strata by family composition, number and sex of children. Our results suggest that mothers raising children of preschool show demands, rigor, anxiety and control to the behavior of the child both in full and in an incomplete family. At the same time between parents and children built a relationship of cooperation and emotional and comfortable relationships, both in full and incomplete family. Indicators of parental education of children indicate the predominance of authoritarian style. As a result of the study, we have for the first time identified the following features of the influence of maternal attitudes on the development and manifestation of child negativity: the higher the rate of maternal attitudes “demands”, “severity”, “anxiety” and “control” the higher the formation of the child's anxiety, fears, aggression and negativity. If mothers seek to develop the independence of the child, but because of increased anxiety prefer to protect the child from difficulties in the situation of self-expression, the level of adverse emotional state and development of the child will increase. The interrelation between the mother's Directive and the manifestation of autonomy of the child's behavior or the predominance of loneliness in preschool children is revealed. It is established that children's negativism has different forms of manifestation, namely whims, stubbornness, refusal reactions, self-will, indiscipline, which are directed against the existing or perceived as such unfavorable attitude of adults or peers to it. It is established that the specificity of maternal attitudes does not depend on the sex of the child, the structure of the family and the number of children in the family.
Thus, the study of the specifics of maternal attitudes of women with children aged 5 to 7 years allowed to clarify the concept of maternal attitudes and to identify the features of the impact of maternal attitudes on the emotional development of preschool children. The statistically significant interrelation between Directive maternal attitudes and negative emotional development of children of the senior preschool age is established.

Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N.
Problems of studying of students as social and psychological community are relevant and timely. Authors give the analysis of «students» as age, akmeologichesky, psychological categories in transpektivny logic. Further the main researches in psychology of a concept of student's age are described. It is noted that the student's age is time of active socialization of the personality. The personality gets accurate reference points in formation of own identity, identity, a reflection, criticality.

Kozlovskaya T.N.
The article is devoted to the time category as value, to the problems of aim setting, to a person's working-out of his or her life's strategy, to the problems of students' life outlook.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
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