Kabisheva M.I., Glasinа T.A. FUNCTIONFL DISORDERS MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM STUDENTS (AN EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY) [№ 2 ' 2017] Musculoskeletal system is the basis of posture and is of great importance in human life. Violation of posture are quite common among students. During medical examinations at universities revealed a significant number of students with defects of posture and flat feet. After identifying functional on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, UTS utstvuet complex system of physical culturе molecular rehabilitation students. In this regard, the study functional violations GRO angles motor apparata requires constant monitoring and surveillance. Revealed functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system OSU students. In 36 % of the students are incorrect posture, and in 48 % there is a slight asymmetry. In 44 % of the students is determined by the flat and 24 % of the students have, and incorrect posture and flat feet. These data suggest that students who have flat feet, there are problems with posture. Currently existing techniques and methods for diagnosing disorders of the musculoskeletal system are directed, or the diagnosis of flat feet, or the diagnosis of posture disorders. No integrated system diagnosis of the condition of the musculoskeletal system that allows you to evaluate a complex morpho — functional state of the spine, feet and muscular system. It is therefore necessary to develop a system aimed at creating a radically new innovative integrated program of early diagnosis and rehabilitation of sports complex functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system at the students.
Kabisheva M.I., Glasina T.A., Podkopaeva O.V. ON THE INTRODUCTIONJF THE "READY FOR LABOR AND DEFENSE" AT OSU DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION [№ 7 ' 2015] Evaluation of physical fitness of students is currently being conducted on the existing control tests referred to in obrazovatelnyh state standards of higher education of the third generation. The aim of our research — a comparative analysis with the standards set by the TRP Benchmark physical fitness of students at OSU. To identify the factors that determine the need to introduce a new set of TRP, we conducted a survey of 46 teachers of the department of physical education of the Orenburg State University. The findings suggest that the prevalence of socially significant priorities necessary for the implementation of the new complex TRP. Comparing the types of exercises (regulations), which were part of the Soviet TRP complex, new, we found a number of significant differences. Changes have occurred in the regulatory requirements set by the TRP in the dynamics over the years. In the 2014/15 academic year, the students 1—3 courses all specialties of full-time students of Orenburg State University took an active part in the delivery of standards set by the TRP on the Status of DOSAAF Russia. Analysis of the results showed that the requirements of tests overwhelm 53.6 % of boys 1st year, 49.7 % of girls 3 courses. The introduction of the All-Russian novogo sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) in the practice of higher education institutions will require improving obrazovatelnyh state standards of higher education and programs on the subject "Fizicheskaya culture". The question important to alignment and cohesion benchmarking new complex TRP as the basis of the pedagogical control aimed at improving the efficiency of physical training.
Kabisheva M.I., Naumenko O.A. SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL REHABILITATION STUDENTS WITH FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS MUSCULOSKELETAL [№ 10 ' 2013] Identified demand for the development of athletic rehabilitation students with functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The directions of the rehabilitation system, interdisciplinary implemented in university with the department of physical culture, pedagogy, psychology, preventive medicine.
Naumenko O.A., Sablina E.V., Kabisheva M.I., Kosteneckaja E.A. THE ARTICLE DISCUSSES THE FEATURES OF THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF CADMIUM ON ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME ACTIVITY OF PLANTS [№ 10 ' 2013] In experimental studies investigated the effect of different concentrations of cadmium on the activity of catalase and peroxidase watercress.
Kabisheva M.I. TECHNOIOGIES OF MAINTENANCE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDITIONED DESTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS OF ECONOMIC SPECIALITIES [№ 2 ' 2012] The demand of working out of technology of preventive maintenance professional destructions is defined. The directions of preventive maintenance realized in high school are presented. Scientific positions offered in work have interdisciplinary character that allows to use them in the field of vocational training for students of economics specialities in the various educational institutions of an economic profile having chairs of physical training, pedagogics, psychology, preventive medicine.
[№ 11 (app.1) ' 2005]
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |