Istyufeev А.V. IDEA OF HISTORIZM IN NATURAL PHILOSOPHY OF F. SCHELLING AS AN IDEA OF PERCEPTION ACTIVITY [№ 7 ' 2009] The article considers the main philosophical and historical ideas developed by German philosopher-idealist F. Schelling. The idea of historizm is concluded by the thinker based on the cognition activity idea. Main content of the history is revealed through the revelation of the Absolute. According to the thinker, the guarantees of historical progress are laid in the God. Finally, Schelling"s philosophical system is a "philosophy of mythology and revelation".
Istyufeev A.V. SYSTEM OF "INTEGRAL HUMANISM" BY ZH. MARITEN AS A VARIANT OF EXIT FROM CRISIS SITUATION IN MODERN SOCIETY [№ 7 ' 2008] General positions of the system of "integral humanism" by Zh. Mariten revealing crisis condition of modern culture and society are regarded in this article. Not staying aside from the discussion about the most important question of the present epoch Mariten suggests his own variant of religious-moral values importance proof in history of mankind. Harmony of faith and mind is necessary component of cultural-historical reflection which is called for being effective force of world-view orientation of a personality.
Istyufeev A.V. HUMANISM CRISES AT CONDITIONS OF MODERN MAN-CAUSED CIVILIZATION [№ 7 ' 2007] Technocratizm is regarded in this article as a typical feature of modern man-caused civilization, which is opposed to the present humanism. Technocratizm regards the means as an aim projecting as a modern form of dogmatic, mechanistic world view and activity. In such conditions humanism crises arises as at the present time technical progress outdoes cultural and technical progresses. Technique dominates under human community dictating its own rules and will, thereby leading humanity to degradation.
Istyafeev A.V. FORMATION OF POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY IN FRAME OF MODERN GLOBALIZATION [№ 7 ' 2006] The theme of the article is analyzed with means of modern social philosophy. The author regards positive and negative aspects of globalization processes, which are shown not only as objective imperative of contemporaneity, but as consequence of social-economic dictate of USA and developed European countries.
Istyufeev A.V. ANTIHISTORISM: ITS PLACE AND ROLE IN HISTORICAL PHILOSOPHY [№ 7 ' 2005] In the article the basic regulations of the so called "antihistorical approach" to history are considered by means of the social and philosophy analysis. The author concludes that history as a whole and a single process is inexplicable. That is why the forecast of future on the basis of studying past centuries’ experience is impossible.
Gorokhov P.A., Istyufeev A.V. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT "HISTORICAL PESSIMISM": PHILOSOPHICAL REMINISCENCES [№ 10 ' 2004] The modern position of the "historical pessimism" problem is regarded in this article with a help of social and philosophical analysis facilities. The authors regard the reasons and consequences of "Europe anemia", which lost own passionation practically completely in XX century as a result of pessimistic and eschatological attitudes prevailing. The thesis that modern pessimism regarding to possibility of progress in the history was founded with two separate, but parallel crisises: political crisis of XX century and intellectual crisis of west rationalism, was proved in this article.