Isavnin A.G. STRENGTHENING OF STOCHASTIC RESONANCE EFFECT IN SUPERPARAMAGNETIC PARTICLES WITH HELP OF ADDITIONAL CONSTANT MAGNETIC FIELD [№ 10 ' 2006] The phenomenon of stochastic resonance is researched theoretically for system of onedomain magnetic particles with single axis magnetic anisotropy in conditions of additional constant magnetic field application athwart to light axis. The calculations are made in frames of theory of two conditions for weak outside periodical signal. Temperature dependences of complex magnetic receptivity, signal attitude to noise and phase shift between incoming and outcoming signal at different meaning of constant field intensity are got in this article. It is shown that presence of such field leads to increase of system response on weak radio-frequency field at conditions of stochastic resonance.
Isavin A.G. DYNAMIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF EASYAXIAL SUPERMAGNETIC PARTICLES IN WEAK VARIABLE FIELD [№ 6 ' 2005] Within the framework of the theory of two conditions the expressions are received determining a dynamic magnetic susceptibility of system of monoaxial supermagnetic particles in conditions of stochastic resonance in a mode of thermal epitympanic suptebatteir magnetic reversal. The question is considered on strengthening of a weak radio-frequency field in real supermagnet – it is an ensemble of noninteracting clusters.
Isavnin A.G. RESPONSE OF SUPERPARAMAGNETIC EASY-AXES PARTICLES ON THE RADIO-FREQUENCY FIELD IN VIEW OF THE CONSTANT MAGNETIC FIELD, APPLIED PERPENDICULARLY TO EASY AXIS [№ 4 ' 2005] The phenomenon of a stochastic resonance for easy-axes superparamagnetic particles is theoretically considered at presence of an additional external constant magnetic field, perpendicular to axes of easy magnetization. In approach of discrete orientations the dynamic susceptibility in relation to a variable field for an one-domain iron particle is calculated at various values of intensity of a constant magnetic field.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |