Ogorodnikov P.I., Chirkova V.Yu., Guseva E.P., Bazarov M.K., Kryuchkova I.V. EFFECTIVE INNOVATIVE POLICY — THE BASIS OF MODERNIZATION OF ECONOMY OF THE REGION AND THE COUNTRY [№ 8 ' 2014] In article justification of need of creation of scientific and methodological tools for an objective assessment of a maturity of the region (enterprise) to investments is given. Having techniques are analyzed and the model developed by authors based on optimizing criteria which allows through an assessment of level of technical potential in size of a fondovooruzhennost is briefly described to estimate studied territorial object and to receive the maximum fund of accumulation.
Nemereshina O.N., Gusev N.F., Chuklova N.V. CONTENTS ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS IN THE GRASS LINARIA VULGARIS L. IN THE FIELD CRYOLITE PLANT SLUDGE [№ 12 ' 2011] The authors studied the heavy metal content in raw materials (grass) common toadflax Linaria vulgaris L., growing in the field of South Ural cryolite sludge plant (Kuvandyk Orenburg region). In the raw plants found different contents of essential elements in the control zone and the sludge field. Toadflax plants are biokontsentratorami nickel, zinc, and copper.
Guseva T.K. ON THE ISSUE OF TYPOLOGY: THE IMAGE OF THE WAR OF G.GAZDANOV AND M.DE UNAMUNO [№ 11 ' 2011] The paper regards the comparative analysis of the war theme in the creation of G.Gazdanov and M.de Unamuno. The author examines the stories and the novels "The evening at Cler's", "Shot" of Gazdanov and "Peace in the war" of Unamuno, viewing the issue from the perspective of anthropological oriented approach of the Russian and t he Spanish authors as their basic constant and their existential humanism. The author proceeds from the point of the Russian and the Spanish literatures as the organic part of the European policultural system, uses the contextual-hermeneutical method making an attempt of reveal the wide contextual connections, convergences, determine the basic regularity of the literary progress, examined as the common dialectical process. The author uses the type of of epoch artistic consciousness category that supposes the supranational integrating complex point of view of the process.
[№ 12 (app.1) ' 2006]
[№ 5 (app.1) ' 2006]
Nemereshina O.N., Gusev N.F. THE INFLUENCE OF MAN-CAUSED POLLUTION ON FLAVONOID CONTENTS IN PLANTS OF FIGWORT CLASS OF STEPPE PREDURALIE [№ 10 ' 2004] The contents of biologically active substances in plants depend of physical and chemical characteristics of habitat - ecological factors. Flavonoids take up special place among substances of repeated synthesis. It is supposed that flavonoids raise plants tolerance to unfavourable conditions of environment. The studying of plants of fig-wort class (Veronica spicata L., Linaria vulgaris L., Melampyrum pratense L.), which were collected in steppe Orenburzhie in a zone of influence of Orenburg gas-transfering plant industrial outbreaks, allowed to determine that contents of flavonoids sum in plants biomass, which grew in a zone of acting of atmospheric outbreaks of Orenburg gas-transfering plant, exceeded the quantity of flavonoids in plants biomass of control part. This fact testifies about changes of metabolic processes way and phytochemical plant structure, which have to be adapted to pollute with industrial gas outbreaks surroundings.
Gusev V.A. WORK COORDINATION THE UNIVERSITY TEACHRES AND RAISING THE LEVEL OF THEIR SKILL [№ 6 ' 2004] In the Russian education modernization concept currently in force up to 2010 they say: "Structural and institutional reorganization of the professional education, its establishment system optimization, realization of different integration models of primary and secondary, secondary and higher professional education, providing with the real multilevel higher education, creation of university complexes will be made to obtain new quality of professional education."
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |