Gaev A.Ya., Albakasov D.A., Gatskov V.G., Blinov S.M., Mikhailov Yu.V., Alferova N.S., Belan L.N. GEOECOLOGICAL TASKS AT MINING REGIONS (ON THE EXAMPLES OF ORENBURG REGION) [№ 6 ' 2006] Man-caused load on environment increases constantly in mining regions of Orenburg region because of activity of mining-smelting and fuel-energy enterprises. The appraisal of geoecological situation is made; schemes of the territory typification which repel its vulnerability to pollution are constructed. Types of regions differed at vulnerability to pollution are distinguished. It is recommended to place ecological dangerous objects on weakly vulnerability to pollution areas. Also there are some recommendations of water consumption perfection.
Gatskov V.G. ABOUT THE AUTOMATIZED TECHNOLOGIES OF THE TRANSPARENT GEOECOLOGICAL MONITORING [№ 6 ' 2004] The characteristic of geological-geophysical informational resources of the transparent geoecological monitoring (TGM) and informational technologies in the functioning of oil and gas complex enterprises in the Orenburg region is given in the article. Peculiarities of the geological models creation, informational technologies used for geological state estimate in the Orenburg region, schemes of automatized technologies TGM are considered. It is stated that the earth remote sensing (ERS) along with direct investigations and metering, statistics, poll data, census, referendums, cadastral information are used for operative mapping regarded as the part of geoinformational mapping that is a new trend in mapping. The essence of it is automatized information and cartographic modeling of geosystems and noosystems on the basis of geoinformation system technologies and knowledgebase.
Adigamova Z.S., Gaev A.Ya., Gatckov V.G., Leontieva T.V. ABOUT ZONATION OF TERRITORY BY LEVEL OF VULNERABILITY TO THE POLLUTION. [№ 5 ' 2004] The scheme of typification of the territory of Orenburg gas - industrial complex is build. 5 types of districts by different level of vulnerability to the pollution are singled out. Each of them is characterized by its meaning of module of let - go pollution from 70 tones/ km2 and higher to 5 tones/ km2 and lower. The building of ecologically dangerous objects is recommended to build on the areas, characterized by enough weak vulnerability to pollution.
Gatckov V.G. ABOUT INFORMATIONAL ENSURING OF THROUGH GEOECOLOGICAL MONITORING. [№ 5 ' 2004] The experience of informational ensuring of through geoecological monitoring is characterized. The notions and definitions of main terms are given: geological information, geological informational resources, geological informational technologies, bases and data banks. Geological and geoecological blocs of informational ensuring of through geoecological monitoring are viewed.
Gatckov V.G. ABOUT THE FORMATION OF MONITORING SYSTEM ON BEING BUILT OIL - AND - GAS TERRITORIES OF ORENBURG. [№ 4 ' 2004] Given information characterizes the experience of working out of atomized technological of through geoecological monitoring (TGM) and creation of monitoring system on being built oil - and - gas - bearing territories of Orenburg. Accented, that the basis of technology of TGM is the creation of geoecological model of perspective oil - gas object, by means of simultaneous modeling of geological building and geoecological situation; structural and functional schemes of TGM are worked out. It is accented, that it is necessary to create a single informational space, the central core of which must be regional banks of given geologic - physical and geoecological information for successful introduction of TGM in production process of oil - and - gas complex enterprise.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |