Dysupova L.V. THE DIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES IN THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 1 ' 2017] The article contains a summary of the author's observations on the functioning of languages, especially in the Orenburg region in diachronic and synchronic aspects. The diversity of languages, prevailing in the region can be primarily explained with a complex history of colonization of the territory, with successive and sometimes simultaneous settlement of a number of different peoples, who not always shared a relative language. Language contacts of different nations led, on the one hand, to the lexical and grammatical penetration, on the other hand — the modern multilingualism. The Turkic languages in the territory of the Orenburg region are the languages of the peoples, traditionally associated with this territory. Interaction of Indo-European languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) and the Turkic family (Tatar, Chuvash, Kazakh, Bashkir) continues in the modern conditions, this process certainly contributes to the enrichment of each of these languages. Linguistic map of the Orenburg region is a complex puzzle consisting of a plurality of languages, including the Turkic languages — such as Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh, Chuvash as the second largest group, after the Slavic languages — especially Russian and Ukrainian and Belarusian. Peoples of the Turkic group of the Altaic language family (the most numerous are the Tatars, Bashkirs and then Kazakhs) compose about ј of the contemporary population of the Orenburg region. Such a state of languages is formed primarily due to historical reasons, among which primarily should be noted geopolitical location of the Orenburg region, which stands on the border between two worlds — the Slavic and the Turkic, as well as the traditional use of the Slavic and the Turkic languages in the Orenburg region as two interrelated linguistic systems with common social and geographical conditions of development of the ethnic groups who recognize their historical proximity, rooted in remote ages.
Dyusupova I.N. EARLY 2000S FASHION IN THE LATE POSTMODERNITY CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT [№ 7 ' 2012] In this article early 2000s fashion analysis as the phenomenon of the late postmodern artistic culture is represented. The key peculiarity traits of contemporary fashion, their interrelation with the general philosophy of the current epoch and the essential senses of the late postmodern art as a text of culture are defined.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |