Spasov A.A., Bugaeva L.I., Lebedeva S.A., Tekutova T.V., Korzhova T.M., Getmanenko A.Y. THE INFLUENCE OF ALIMENTARY MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY ON THE PROCESSES OF EMBRYO- AND FETOGENESIS, RECORDED IN THE ANTENATAL PERIOD OF INCREASE OF THE FETUS RATS [№ 10 ' 2016] The human body has a self-regulation of homeostasis system in which play important role nutrients. Pathological conditions, stress, increased functional activity of the body may be the cause of macro- and microelementoses, resulting in biochemical and functional changes in an organism. Magnesium deficiency is an important problem both abroad and in Russia. When magnesium deficiency reduced antioxidant protection, impaired insulin secretion, changes the metabolism of protein and fat metabolism, there is a pathology of the endocrine system. Magnesium deficiency is common among women in the 20-30% more often than men. Female body more sensitive to magnesium deficiency that biologically expedient in connection with the active participation of magnesium in the childbearing function. In chronic magnesium deficiency observed irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, there is a pronounced premenstrual syndrome, osteoporosis, most cervical pathology occurs. All of these disorders associated with magnesium deficiency in the female body can be pathologically changed during pregnancy and childbirth. In this regard, it was conducted preclinical study the effect of nutritional magnesium deficiency on the processes of fetal development in rats. The content of the diet to rats resulted in the development of blood without hypomagnesemia magnesium salts. Magnesium level in female experimental group decreased plasma to 18.6 % (p < 0.05) and 24.8 % (p < 0.05) in red blood cells compared to control. The females have a deficit of magnesium pre-implantation and post implantation fetal loss increased on 2.3 (p < 0.05) and 3.8 (p < 0.05), respectively. Magnesium-deficient state during pregnancy significantly increases the pre- and post-implantation fetal death increases the number resorption fetus reduces their weight and craniocaudally size, and the number of seats in the ossification of the sternum, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal.
Bugaeva I.O., Bogomolova N.V., Brill G.E., Kolokolov G.R. FUNCTIONAL MORTHOLOGY OF LYMPH NODES AND THYMUS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF LOW INTENSIVE LASER RADIATION [№ 5 ' 2003] The histostructure of thymus and lymph nodes in conditions of an irradiation of experimental animals by the IR laser was studied. It was established, that laser radiation renders stimulating influence on thymus and lymph nodes. In tymus on 3 and 15th day proliferative activity of cortical thymocytes amplified. The contents of low-varied cellular forms accrued in lymph nodes and marked plasmacytaral reaction was registered.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |