Miroshnikova E.P., Arinzhanov A.E., Kilyakova Y.V. PARTICULARLY THE EXCHANGE OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN FISH WHEN ADMINISTERED IN THE DIET AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS OF IRON NANOPARTICLES [№ 6 ' 2017] Recent advances in animal nutrition has significantly increase the range of use of dietary supplements, a positive effect on growth rate, feed conversion and resistance of the organism. Research on warm-blooded animals have shown the promise of joint use of dietary supplements and metal nanoparticles in feeding, however, the experimental work in fish farming on the subject are rare. We first studied the prospects of joint use of preparations of nanoparticles of iron and supplements in the feeding of fish and showed that their simultaneous use enhances performance of weight gain up to 28š% compared to control. With the introduction in the diet of Fe NPS (nanoparticles) noted a significant increase in concentrations of macroš— and micronutrients compared to control: calcium 42š% (Pš<š0.001), potassium 8.2š% (Pš<š0.05), magnesium 19š% (Pš<š0.001), sodium 27š% (Pš<š0.001), phosphorus by 32š% (Pš<š0.001), chromium by 6š% (Pš<š0.05), copper 18.8š% (Pš<š0.05), cobalt 6š% (Pš<š0.05), manganese by 72.2š% (Pš<š0.001), selenium 17.5š% (Pš<š0.001) and zinc by 34š% (Pš<š0.001). When added to the diet of Fe NPS and the enzyme, Rovabio XL showed a significant increase in sodium concentration by 13š% (Pš<š0.01), copper 14š% (Pš<š0.05), cobalt 9.6š% (Pš<š0.05), manganese 26.6š% (Pš<š0.05), selenium 9.2š% (Pš<š0.01) and zinc 42.5š% (Pš<š0.001) and decreased concentration of calcium by 26š% (Pš<š0.001) compared to control. When included in the ration Fe NPS and Bifidobacterium bifidum showed a significant increase in the content of elements in comparison with the control: the calcium 148š% (Pš<š0.001), and potassium 62š% (Pš<š0.001), magnesium 111š% (Pš<š0.001), sodium 100š% (Pš<š0.001) and phosphorus by 100š% (Pš<š0.001), chromium 36.8š% (Pš<š0.001), copper 84š% (Pš<š0.001), cobalt 174š% (Pš<š0.001), iron 58š% (Pš<š0.001), manganese 270š% (Pš<š0.001), selenium by 82š% (Pš<š0.001) and zinc by 125š% (Pš<š0.001). Analysis of the content of toxic elements in the fish body showed that for the experimental groups was characterized by a decrease in the concentration of elements except lead. Thus, it is established that the joint inclusion in the diet of carp nanoparticles of iron and dietary supplements positively affects the accumulation of macroš— and micronutrients and does not affect the accumulation of toxic elements in the body of a fish, with the best performance on the dynamics of live weight was obtained by joint use of Fe NPS of the drug and probiotic Bifidobacterium bifidum.
Kozhevnikova E.A., Ledneva S.A., Sizova E.A., Arinzhanov A.E. BIOECOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE ARTIFICIAL POND MODEL UNDER EXPERIMENTAL METALS CONTAMINATION IN THE NANOFORM [№ 5 ' 2017] In the course of production, nanoparticles inevitably enter the environment, including water, which leads to a change in the quality of water and poses a danger to aquatic organisms. In this case, it is expedient to study the evaluation of the effect of metal nanoparticles on aquatic hydrobionts on survival indices, identifying potential risks that arise when nanoparticles of these metals enter aquatic biocenoses. In this paper we made bioecological evaluation of artificial pond model under experimental contamination with nanoparticles such as Fe, Fe3O4, Ni, NiO, using Lemna minor L., Limnea stagnalis, Danio rerio as model organisms. There were revealed specific adaptation features of organisms with different levels of organization to the presence of corresponding nanoparticles in the habitat with limits assessment of their tolerance. During the organisms survival test under conditions of modelled aquabiocenosis, a number of methods were chosen to increase toxicity from nanoparticles to iron oxide nanoparticles regardless of the concentration and the Ni→NiO→Fe→ Fe3O4 exposure period. It is shown that nanoparticles of iron and its oxide in all investigated concentrations, represent a great danger for hydrobionts in the conditions of artificially created aquabiocenoses, than Ni and NiO nanoparticles, due to greatest toxicity.
Miroshnikova E.P., Arinzhanov A.E. HEAVY METALS IN WATER AND BOTTOM SEDIMENTS OF THE IRIKLINSKAYA RESERVOIR [№ 6 ' 2016] Recently the volume of industrial drains in reservoirs of the Orenburg region has increased. Heavy metals in water ecosystems don't decay, are constantly redistributed on separate components and collect in hydrobionts of various trophic levels, including fishes and by that constitute danger to the person eating fishes from the polluted reservoirs. Maintenance and distribution of heavy metals in water and soil of the Iriklinsky reservoir have been investigated. Water samples were taken with a sampler of Rutner into 6šsections: Dam ples, Tanalyk-Sandusky ples, Chapaevsky ples, ples Sofinsky, Thanalakshi Sandusky Gulf and the Bay. Samples of bottom sediments were taken at channel stations from the horizon 0–10šcm of the grab. The studies observed excess of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in water of reservoir compounds Cuš— in 3–10 times, Feš— in 2–10 times, Mnš— in 2–22 times, Alš— in 4–5 times. Sediments of channel sites Iriklinskaya reservoir were mainly represented by grey sandy silts, organic matter content of which was 15-17š%. For bottom sediments was characterized by excessive concentrations at all the study sites only for Cu (5–6 times) and Zn (5–7 times). In addition, the recorded excess of MPC for Pb in the sediments of the river and Chapaevskaya Soundexchange Bay in 1.5štimes, and Dam-site more than 5štimes.
Arinzhanov A.E., Miroshnikova E.P., Kilyakova Y.V. USE SUPPLEMENTS AND IRON NANOPARTICLES IN THE CARP FEEDING [№ 6 ' 2015] Currently, the practice of using feeds with different kinds of dietary supplements. In this paper we study the effect of fine iron powder, the enzyme preparation RovabiošXL, probiotic preparation bifidobakterin bifidum (Bifidobacterium bifidum) on the growth, development and hematology carp at their joint use. Object of research are carp (nš= š50), age (0+), with the sample of 10—15šg, grown in a cage farms Ltd. "Lake" Orenburg. Fe nanoparticles obtained at the Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and synthesized by high-temperature condensation installation MiguÊn technology MJ Gene and AV Miller. The size of the nanoparticles 100šnmš± 2šnm. The studies found that the combined use of nanoparticles and probiotic bifidobakterin bifidum increases the growth rate by 28š% relative to control. Hematologic parameters of blood in all the experimental groups were within the physiological norm. In the analysis of blood parameters of the experimental groups was recorded similar picture of changes in hemoglobin and red blood cells: the second week of the experiment there was a decrease in hemoglobin level and the number of red blood cells compared to the control group in I experienced a 7 and 29š%, in IIš— 16 and 19š% inšIIIš— 5 and 34š%, respectively. In the fourth week we have noted the increase in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cell count in the I and III experimental groups: Iš— 4šandš86š%, inšIIIš— 14šandš59š%, respectively. In the sixth week, recorded a slight decrease in hemoglobin levels compared to the control in the Iš— 0.7š%, inšIIš— 6.3š%, inšIIIš— byš2.7š%, and a significant reduction in the number of red blood cells in thešIš— 38š%, inšIIš— 34š%, in thešIIIš— 25š%. Changing the number of white blood cells had a similar pattern changes in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration. Thus, in the second week of the experiment there was a decrease of leukocytes compared to the control inšIš— 13š%, inšIIš— 13š%, in thešIIIš— 12š%; in the fourth week we noted an increase in the number of leukocytes in thešI and GroupšIIš— 49š%, in thešIIIš— 12š%. Fixed constancy protein composition of plasma and absence of inflammatory processes in the body, as evidenced sedimentation rate of erythrocytes (2—5šmm/h).
Arinzhanov A.E., Miroshnikova E.P., Kilyakova Yu.V., Miroshnikov A.M., THE USE OF EXTRUDED FEEDS WITH THE ADDITION OF METAL NANOPARTICLES IN FISH FEEDING [№ 10 ' 2012] In the course of the research assessed the biological value of extruded feeds with the addition of metal nanoparticles, revealed significant changes concentrations in the body of the carp of microelements and essential trace elements.
Miroshnikova E.P., Arinzhanov A.E., Glushchenko N.N., Vasilevskaya S.P. EXCHANGE OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN ORGANISM OF THE USE OF CARP NANOPARTICLES OF COBALT AND IRON IN THE DIET [№ 6 ' 2012] Studies to assess the impact of iron and cobalt in different chemical form (mineral salts, metal nanoparticles) on the exchange of chemical elements in carp revealed significant changes in the concentrations in the body of the fish calcium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, iodine, etc.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |