Alekseeva E.N. QUALIMETRICAL APPROACH TO ASSESSING THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES OF STUDENTS, FUTURE TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS [№ 2 ' 2024] At the present stage of higher education development, a qualimetric approach to the organization of monitoring the readiness of university students and graduates to perform professional tasks is actively developing within the framework of the internal education quality assessment system. The use of pedagogical qualimetry technologies, and in particular, the method of expert assessments, makes it possible to standardize and algorithmize diagnostic measures aimed at assessing the formation of students” competencies at different stages of their development of basic educational programs of higher education. This approach is also relevant in assessing the quality of subject-methodical training of students, future teachers of mathematics, in the aspect of learning to work in the context of the development of the paradigm of education individualization. Within the framework of the research, a criterion model for assessing the level of special methodological training of students and future teachers has been proposed, and quantitative indicators of the formation of professional competencies have been developed based on the allocation of cognitive, activity and motivational-value components in their structure. At the same time, the weighting coefficients of the significance of each quantitative indicator in the proposed model are determined based on the method of group expert assessments. In the course of the research conducted at the Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev the application of qualimetric technologies was tested in the development of criterion models of competencies and the design of assessment tools to assess the level of professional competencies formation of students enrolled in specialized bachelor”s and master”s degree programs. As part of the pedagogical experiment, the diagnostic measures were carried out to assess the level of professional competencies formation of future teachers and their readiness to solve special tasks of pedagogical activity aimed at the development and support of schoolchildren with pronounced mathematical abilities.
Alekseeva E.N. METHODOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF A FUTURE MATHEMATICS TEACHER FOR THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS EDUCATION PROGRAMS [№ 1 ' 2024] Creating a developing educational environment at school for each student’s intellectual development that takes into account his individual educational needs and abilities is a priority task facing the general education system. A modern mathematics teacher must be prepared for professional activities aimed at identifying and developing students’ mathematical abilities. A special role in this area of pedagogical activity is played by the organization of extracurricular educational activities for students with pronounced mathematical abilities, individualized support for mathematically gifted schoolchildren, including those within the framework of the implementation of additional mathematical education programs. Diagnostic measures aimed at determining the level of the special methodological competence were carried out among practicing teachers and students, future mathematics teachers, resulting in the identification of the number of systemic problems. The formation of a special methodological competence of the future teacher for the design and implementation of extracurricular courses in mathematics and programs of additional mathematical education must be ensured as early as at the stage of their getting higher pedagogical education. Universities that train teachers need to update the existing system of students’ methodological training, ensuring the formation of the graduates’ readiness to design and implement programs of additional mathematical education in the context of the development of individualization of education, to develop individual educational routes of training and support for mathematically gifted schoolchildren, to organize the preparation of such students for participation in mathematical olympiads. The system of methodological training of a future mathematics teacher in the considered context should provide an end-to-end subject-methodological line within the framework of the content of disciplines and practices when organizing project-research and practical training of students. It is important to use special teaching technologies, such as individualizing the very education of students who are future mathematics teachers and involving them into the practical work with gifted pupils.
Alekseeva E.N. SUBJECT-LEVEL MODEL OF FUTURE MATHEMATICS TEACHER METHODOLOGICAL PREPARATION FOR WORK IN EDUCATION INDIVIDUALIZATION CONDITIONS [№ 3 ' 2022] Formation of the specialized competence of a future mathematics teacher to work in conditions of individualization of education is one of the priority tasks of modern higher pedagogical education, which has become a serious challenge for universities within the framework of the existing concept of methodological training of a mathematics teacher. The conducted research is aimed at analyzing the existing system of methodological training of a mathematics teacher in the context of the individualization of education, identifying existing problems, scientific justification for updating the existing concept of methodological training of a future teacher. A subject-level model of methodological training of mathematics teachers is proposed taking into consideration the context of their readiness to work in the conditions of individualization of teaching mathematics. In order to succeed in adaptation of a university graduate — mathematics teacher to working with students with special educational needs, including students with pronounced mathematical abilities, in the conditions of individualization of teaching mathematics it is necessary to include a methodological component in the subject-mathematical training of a future teacher, to strengthen the methodological component in mastering future subject teachers of the course of elementary mathematics, as well as to provide the possibility of implementing individual educational routes including practical training for the development of methodological disciplines by students — future mathematics teachers.
Alekseeva E.Yu., Lapaeva M.G. DIAGNOSIS OF THE BUDGETING SYSTEM IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY [№ 13 ' 2012] The article is devoted to the diagnosis of the budgeting system. The parameters of diagnostic budgeting stages of its production, which can be of practical use not only in the implementation process, but also as a tool for improving the previously implemented system of budgeting.
Lapaeva M.G., Alekseyeva Ye.Yu. THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BUDGETING ON THE BASIS OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CENTERS ON THE ENGINEERING PLANT [№ 8 ' 2012] The article deals with the development and implementation of budgeting for engineering enterprises. The budgeting project based on financial responsibility centers is proposed, the solution algorithm of the budgeting process implementation is refined.
Lapaeva M.G., Alekseeva E.Yu. THE CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO THE FORMULATION OF BUDGET MANAGEMENT TO ENGINEERING PLANTS [№ 13 ' 2011] Article is devoted to the implementation of the budget management process. An algorithm of solving the problem of reengineering the process of budgeting for engineering plants. This algorithm can be used not only during production but also as a tool for improving the previously implemented system of budgeting.
[№ 10 ' 2008]
Alexeeva E.V. MODERN CONDITION AND PROBLEMS OF COMPULSORY INSURANCE IN RUSSIA [№ 10 ' 2007] The analysis of compulsory insurance market development at last years is given in this article and the importance of Insurance Code acceptance for systematization of different normative-legal acts in integrated document is regarded in this article. General problems on insurance market of Russia are revealed and the ways of their solution are suggested here.
Alexeev S.V. ADMINISTRATIVE-LEGAL REGULATION OF EMPLOYER ACTIVITY [№ 4 ' 2003] The specificity of administrative-legal relations, originated in process of employer activity regulation in the Russian Federation, development dynamic and opportunities of perfection of administrative-legal regulation of Russian entrepreneurship mechanism are considered in the artile.
S.V. Alexeev THEORY OF MARKETING TREATY [№ 3 ' 2003] Legal nature, essence and matter of the most significant marketing instrument, which is treaty on marketing research realization, are analyzed in this article for the first time. Legal means of defence from non-execution and improper execution of treaty on marketing research realization are considered here. Special attention is devoted to research of this treaty place in the system of civil-legal treaties.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |