Aglyulina A.R., Leutsky V.L. AGE AND SEASONAL VARIABILITY OF NONSPECIFIC DEFENSE FACTORS OF BULL CALVES’ ORGANISM WHICH ARE FROM ECOLOGICALLY HETEROGENEOUS AREAS OF ORENBURG REGION [№ 9 ' 2007] The influence of seasons, and also different ecological conditions on variability of factors of nonspecific defense of bull calves’ organism of different age groups (from birth till six-month) in comparison with control group from farms of Orenburg region.
[№ 12 (app.1) ' 2006]
Aglyulina A.R., Zhukov A.P., Radaev I.V. AGE GHANGES IN CALF BLOOD MORPHOLOGY FROM TECHNOGENIC PROVINCE OF ORENBURG REGION [№ 12 ' 2006] The impact of adverse environmental factors on blood morphology of various age calf groups (form birth to 6-month age) compared to reference group from Orenburg Region farms. Content of erythrocytes in calf blood from environmentally clean area exceeded the analogous indicator of their contemporaries from technogenic province for 9-15%, content of hemoglobin – for 9-12%, leucocytes – for 7-8%.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |