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August 2018, № 6 (218), pages 23-28

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-23

Gubanova G.I. PEDAGOGICAL METHODOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CREATIVE PERSONALITY OF THE FUTURE JOURNALIST (LINGUASENSORY APPROACH)Modernization of the modern education system in Russia is aimed at the formation of an active, creative personality and requires the identification of objective regularities of students’ creative development, the development of new technologies for professional education in the field of heuristic competence formation. The article discusses one of the aspects of creative development associated with the formation of speech competence.
The change in the forms of communication in the rapidly developing modern world, the increasing intensity of information flows has become both a positive and a negative factor in changes in speech communications. The phenomenon of computer-mediated communication arose, which is characterized by a decrease in expressive means in the vocabulary of communicants, the replacement of colorful epithets that evoke a vivid sensual impression through the word. The impoverishment of language affects the creative process, affects creativity.
The article substantiates the attraction of new scientific research to the development of creative abilities of students-journalists to increase their speech competence and creative development; a technique is proposed for the first time in which the development of imagination and increased creativity in vocational education and personal growth can be realized through the expansion of verbal and non-verbal connections. The system of pedagogical support is aimed at the simultaneous increase of speech competence (expansion of the lexical stock of sensory words) and the development of the emotional-sensual sphere.
On the basis of theoretical substantiation and approbation, a pedagogical methodology is proposed for the first time to use the achievements of modern applied lingo-sensory in the educational process to complement the work programs of various disciplines of the humanitarian cycle. Methods of applying the approach, options for learning tasks that develop the imagination of students-journalists as the basis of creativity, and increase the differentiation of the use of sensory words and lexical expression of concepts, concepts, and terms in their oral and written speech are proposed.
The study confirmed the hypothesis that the actualization of the sensual aspect in the linguistic picture of the world is an effective factor in increasing the expressiveness of speech and the development of imagination in the paradigm of the creative, personal and professional development of a student journalist.
Key words: speech competence, creative development, vocational education, linguаsensory, the world’s picture, journalism, dialogue.


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About this article

Author: Gubanova G.I.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-23

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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