November 2017, № 12 (212), pages 12–15doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-212-12
Nekrasova O.A., Dergacheva M.I., Uchaev A.P. TO RECENT BASE FOR PALEOECOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTIONS BASED ON HUMUS OF URAL PALEOSOLSWhen carrying out the reconstruction of the natural environment of the past by paleopedology methods the humus composition is used as one of the significant diagnostic features. Interpretation of materials is based on the recent basis — similar characteristics of modern soils of different formation conditions on both the territory of location of the paleosols and adjacent to them. Revealing the Holocene-Pleistocene evolution of the Ural natural environment requires the materials of exploring the specific features of the humus composition of different types of soils in its different regions including the Middle Urals for which data on humus are not generalized. On the basis of the original and literary material data generalisation of the humus composition specific features of the modern Middle Ural types of soils, the closeness of most humus characteristics and the reliable differences of some of them in the most common in this region plain sod-podzolic and brown mountain-forest soils are revealed. It was established that the differences in the content of individual groups of humus substances and the integral index Cha:Cfa are unreliable. Significant differences were revealed only for the following characteristics of humus composition: the content of total organic carbon, as well as FA1a, FA2, and FA3. The parameters of the composition of humus in gray forest soils of the Middle Urals are typical for similar soils of other regions of the Urals and adjacent territories. The obtained limits of variation of the integral indicator of the composition of humus in soddy-podzolic, brown mountain-forest and gray forest soils of the modern Middle Urals, will allow to reconstruct the conditions of humus formation in paleosols in similar bioclimatic conditions. It has been established that the sod-podzolic and brown mountain-forest soils of the Middle Urals, forming within the boundaries of a single bioclimatic zone at different positions in the relief, have close characteristics of the qualitative composition of humus.Key words: soil, humus, paleoecological reconstructions, Ural.
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About this article
Authors: Nekrasova O.A., Dergacheva M.I., Uchaev A.P.
Year: 2017
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-212-12
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |