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April 2017, № 5 (205)

Aleksenko M.A. THE CURRENT STATE OF RUSSIAN-KAZAKHSTANI RELATIONS IN THE FIELD OF MIGRATIONThe tense international situation, expressed in terrorist attacks, extremist activity, uncontrolled flows of migrants, forces the governments of states to move closer to the migration legislation. The strongest interaction in the sphere of migration regulation Russia has with the Republic of Kazakhstan is the result not only of long coexistence within the confederation — the Soviet Union. Based on the analytical review of the regulatory framework, it was established that most of the migration agreements in the post-Soviet space were concluded by the Russian Federation with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The agreements between the two states were diverse: from freedom of movement throughout the country and protection of the rights of migrants, to compensation for losses from loss of property for refugees. It was found out that in the last two decades, the migration relations between Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan are harmonious, the reason for this can be called the community of historical destinies, as well as long-standing cultural ties, the existence of common interests in regulating migration and reducing the number of illegal migrants. It is established that Russian-Kazakh migration cooperation begins in 1991 with an obligation to protect the rights of non-titular nations on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan, respectively. Based on the analysis of a number of migration laws since 1991, a full-fledged picture of the genesis of Russian-Kazakhstan migration relations in the post-Soviet space is presented. The migration interaction of the two states, according to the analysis of the regulatory framework, was and still is very fruitful. As a result, dozens of bilateral treaties, including multilateral treaties on the basis of Russian-Kazakhstan agreements on migration cooperation, have been launched.Key words: international law, post-Soviet period, migrants, refugees, Russia, Republic of Kazakhstan.


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About this article

Author: Aleksenko M.A.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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