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June 2016, № 6 (194)

Pavleychik V.M. LONG-TERM DYNAMICS OF NATURAL FIRES IN THE STEPPE REGIONS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG REGION)Natural fires are an integral phenomenon of the steppe regions. However, studies on the spatial and temporal analysis of this phenomenon and the need for a more complete understanding of the processes, virtually no place in the steppe ecosystems. The article offers an analysis of current trends in the occurrence and spread of wildfires. The main estimated parameter accepted the evidence of total area burnt for some years, a multi-year (1983–2014) period. The boundaries of the fires were identified visually by the Landsat satellite images within the four key areas (Orenburg region). The data show a significant increase in the area of distribution and frequency of fires in all areas under consideration, since the mid-1990s — beginning 2000-ies. It is revealed that the main cause of modern intensification of fires in the steppe regions is the decline in agricultural production 1980–1990-ies, typical of the post-Soviet countries as a whole. Reducing livestock population (in the Orenburg region in cattle by 63 %, sheep and goats by 87 %) was accompanied by a reduction in the load on pastures, revegetation and accumulation of dry plant mass. Everywhere began the practice of burning of grass to improve forage quality land and disposal of trash. At the same time there was a formation of extensive (about 32 % of the maximum area of cultivated land) area of fallow land. The relevance of the conducted, and further research based on the need to examine the environmental consequences of fires in terms of their contemporary time periods, including justification of effective methods of management of fire situations.Key words: steppe fires, intensification, Orenburg region, underutilized land, space images Landsat.


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About this article

Author: Pavleychik V.M.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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