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May 2016, № 5 (193)

Sidorova M.A., Borisova E.O., Nikiforova A.S. CONTROLLING OF THE HYDROLOGICAL REGIME OF SOIL OF THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPES RECREATIONAL PURPOSECurrently, great attention is paid to the initiation of adaptation processes in the system "soil-plant" of the cultural landscapes recreational purpose. A model field experiment, aiming to identify patterns in the variation of the parameters of the hydrological regime of the cultural landscape of recreational purpose was carried out on umbricalbeluvisol soil of Moscow region. It was obtained a significant change in the volumetric soil moisture (θ), soil moisture reserves (MR) and availability of moisture for plants. In the average entire growing period is characterized by the growth of θ and MR in the layer 0–50 cm in comparison with control under the influence of mulching the soil with pine litter by 28 and 21 %, under the influence of "dry stream" by 6–40 % and 9–23 %, under the elements of the path network (the incremental track) by 5 and 4–9 % respectively. In rockery and decorative unsealed plots of soil, hydrological regimes were very similar, however, θ and MR was significantly reduced at 13–18 and 6–29 % in rockery and 2 and 4 % in decorative unsealed plots of soil. The hydrological regime of experience control variant in the dry conditions of vegetation period of 2014 was the most suitable for the growth of xero-mesophytic plants. The application of the proposed planning decisions and mulching opens up the possibility of creating a variety of sustainable plant communities on the same type of the original soil within the single recreational area.Key words: soil-landscape design, planning elements, agro-meliorative techniquesmulching, hydrological regime, forms of soil moisture.


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About this article

Authors: Sidorova M.A., Borisova E.O., Nikiforova A.S.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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