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April 2016, № 4 (192)

Kryuchkov A.G., Eliseev V.I. PATTERNS OF INCOME AND MOISTURE OF SPRING DURUM CONSUMPTION WHEAT IN THE ARID STEPPES OF THE ORENBURG URAL REGIONOrenburg region is one of the leading regions for the production of grain of spring durum wheat. Frequent drought during the growing period, reduce the level of productivity of spring durum wheat. Therefore, being a constant search for techniques that provide increased productivity of spring durum wheat, while maintaining and improving the technological quality of grain. It attaches great importance to the improvement of the conditions of its water supply and power supply. Identify long-term stationary experiment receipt patterns and water consumption of the crop in various weather conditions for years, it is relevant to the Orenburg region and other regions with similar soil and climatic conditions. The basis of the research were laid many years (1974—2015) Experimental data on the yield of spring durum wheat produced in the stationary experiment with fertilizers on a common chernozem of the central zone of the Orenburg region and weather Hydro-meteorological centers with the use of mathematical modeling techniques. As a result of the regularities of the income and expenditure of moisture of spring durum wheat and their role in shaping the yield on its backgrounds without fertilizer and with the introduction of NPK. Research has established a more economical water consumption for fertilizers background, which is very important for arid conditions of the region. Against the background without fertilizers water use ratio is 2 192.5 cubic meters / t, against N80P80K40 — 1 976.8 mі/t. For the first time the conditions of the Orenburg region calculated available water flow rate of spring durum wheat plants on fertilized and unfertilized backgrounds and their relation to productivity. Established as a result of research based productivity of spring durum wheat of moisture reserve in the soil, rainfall and available water flow and the equation can be used in practice in the production of spring durum wheat.Key words: spring hard wheat, delivery and consumption vlagi, yield, correlation parameters.


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About this article

Authors: Kryuchkov A.G., Eliseev V.I.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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