Rudnev I.V, Zhadanov V.I CALCULATION METHODS FOR COMPOUNDS OF ELEMENTS OF WOODEN STRUCTURES ON GLUED STEEL PLATESIn modern engineering to improve stiffness and increase the carrying capacity of the compounds of elements of wooden structures have been used in the design solutions on glued in wood steel rods of the reinforcement with periodic profile. Particularly widespread are different types of connections with obliquely glued contacts. Although the reliability of such compounds, they have some serious drawbacks in terms of metal content, processability, and ease of manufacturing assembly. To eliminate this drawbacks it provides a method of node interface elements of wooden structures on glued into an array steel plates. Pilot testing of the proposed method of joining confirmed its viability. However, the known method of calculating compounds of wooden structures on glued elements does not provide an answer to the question of determining the carrying capacity of the node interfaces on the steel plates. There are no rules and design of such compounds, as well as any of the experimental data on this subject. As a result, the theoretical calculation of an exact analytical solution of the problem of determining the stress-strain state (SSS) of the compound pasted plate when it pulled out of solid wood. Design scheme of theoretical investigation of SSS connection plates with the wood is reduced to plane strain: half-strip loaded on the end by a concentrated force. Described exactly, previously absent, the solution of the boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity based on expansions of functions Fadl-Papkovich. In software packages АРМCivilEngineering and ANSYS was created and designed finite element model of the experimental sample, taking into account the anisotropy of the wood and the presence of the adhesive composition between the steel plate and wood. The values of the components of SSS connection with a load corresponding to the time of the destruction of the experimental sample has been received. There was a good quantitative and qualitative convergence of model experiments carried out in different software systems and confirmed with full-scale experiments. On the basis of factor analysis, conducted research on the matrix in the software package ANSYS, defined qualitative and quantitative conditioning components of stress-strain state of the connection. On the basis of experimental and theoretical studies revealed the prospects and possibilities of using the compounds of this type in the nodes in a wide range of wooden structures. The concrete design solutions of nodes glued into steel plates and the most significant results of the tests and the extended interface and support truss. The formula for the calculation of engineering compounds of elements of wooden structures with glued on steel plates has been received. Key words: calculation method, steel plate, glue, wood, compound, joint, analytical calculation, numerical research, finite element model, stress-strain state, toughness, stiffness, experimental research, calculation.
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About this article
Authors: Rudnev I.V., Zhadanov V.I.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |